20 ~ I Just Wanna Bitch Slap The Hell Outta Him.

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Chapter 20 ~ I Just Want to Bitch Slap The Hell Outta Him.

~Amelia's POV~

"What the fuck?" I yelled out, breaking the deathly silence.

The hybrids were standing behind me in an awkward silence and I could hear them sifting around uncomfortably. They weren't my sires but they knew to be wary of my temper.

I flipped around so fast that I almost got a whiplash and asked them, "Who the hell is responsible for this?" I said pointing to the object in the say.

Nobody answered so I narrowed my eyes, "I don't like repeating myself. So I suggest the culprit speaks up." I gave them a long hard look. "Who the hell did this to my car?" I repeated myself.

I cringed when I took in my car. The once shiny black coat of paint was now splattered with red, pink, green and blue paint splotches. It looked absolutely hideous. I felt like going to my room and crying like a little kid.

"I did this." Someone spoke up finally. The voice came from the back and every hybrid turned around to look at the culprit in shock.

The hybrids parted and made way for me as I stalked towards the guy. The others had a look of fear in their faces while the guy looked cool as a cucumber.

"Who do you think you are?" I asked in a deathly clam voice.

The rest of them took a step back, very aware of my wrath. The more calmly I spoke the angrier I usually was. But this guy seemed to be new. I think Klaus had turned him recently.

Let me fill you in on what you have missed.

Elena indeed was kidnapped by Klaus. But I was right –as I always am- Klaus hadn't killed her, just drained her off her blood with only enough to keep her alive and breathing. Damon had brought her back. With Elena's blood in numerous blood bags, Klaus had taken off with Rebekah to create his hybrid army.

He sent back a bunch of them as soon as he had converted them to Mystic Falls. And since they were sired to Klaus, they couldn't protest. I had put them to work on a new and bigger house on the outskirts of Mystic Falls. I figured that since we would be staying here for a while longer, why not have a nice house to live in. And it was almost finished.

Kathy and Stefan were my housemates and kept me company which I was thankful for. The hybrids were freaking annoying and were driving me crazy.

Right now those two were sitting on the couch on the porch eating popcorn!! Gee what amazing friends I had!

"Well ,I think I am a hot sexy, handsome and powerful hybrid." The guy said breaking my train of thoughts. He even had the nerve to smirk at me.

I gritted my teeth at his arrogance and bit back a retort. I instead smiled fakely and said, "Aww, you forgot Arrogant annoying, cocky, good for nothing, pain in the ass." My smirk grew wider when I saw his smirk falter and turn to a scowl.

"You should be thankful that you aren't one of my hybrids, otherwise you would be dead in a second." I said casually as if I was talking about the weather. "Since Klaus' wrath is worse than mine and I don't feel like telling him that I killed off one of his hybrids, you can live. But you are cleaning my car." I added the latter part enjoying the way his jaw clenched in anger.

"What's your name anyway?" I asked him after a glaring contest with him.

"Michael Reeves." He said stiffly.

"Alright Mickey Mouse, see ya later." I said waving at him. I could practically feel his annoyance at me. I guess someone didn't like his new nickname.

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