8 ~ Playing the Part.

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Chapter 8 ~ Playing the Part.

~Amelia's POV~

"Come on Mia, let's pay for all of this and go home." She said pushing the trolley and grabbing my elbow pulling me along.

We had come out to the mall and a grocery store to get some stuff to make sure I had something to eat.

"Bye desserts! I will come back for you!" I said sadly drawing the attention from the nearby people.

"Are you sure you are an original?" Caroline asked me.

"Yeah, I am sure. Why?"

"No reason. It's just that, you sure don't act like one. You act more like a five year old."

I huffed and looked away from her making my way to the checkout counter. I frowned as I realized I had become too comfortable with Caroline.

"Elijah has that aura of nobility and Klaus sounds incredibly scary."

"And I behave like a teenage girl." I completed the sentence for her. "I have to fit in and gather information from teenagers, I have to play the part." I shrugged.

"So how are you otherwise?"

"Stick around and find out." I grinned, silently hoping she did.

"Maybe I will."

After 10 minutes or so, we were driving the trolley with the stuff put in bags to the parking lot. The supermarket exit led directly there so we were allowed to take trolleys till our cars. Caroline helped me load all the bags in my car and we took off to my house. Caroline was going to be staying at my house for the night.

I parked my car in the garage and Caroline parked hers in the driveway. I lifted all my bags using magic and took them inside through the door connecting the garage to the house. That way no one else suspected anything.

I kept the groceries in the kitchen after keeping the drinks, ice-cream and other things that had to go in the fridge in their place. I then took my shopping bags to my room and placed them in my closet. I would place them in their places later.

Caroline had followed me upstairs and was sitting on my bed. I gave her one of my tank tops and a pair of pajama shorts. We were the same size so they would fit her.

She went to change in the bathroom while I changed in my closet. I came out at the same time Caroline did. She kept her neatly folded pile of clothes to one side.

"You select a movie from the ones you got and I'll go get popcorn and some cold drinks." I told her and zoomed out of the room.

I put the ready to make popcorn in the microwave and I took out a bottle of Pepsi. I also took two glasses and took out a huge bowl for the popcorn.

The microwave beeped and I took the packet out and ripped it open and put it in the bowl. Then I threw the empty packet and took all of things and went to my room at human pace not wanted to spill the popcorn.

I came into the room to see Caroline putting the DVD in its slot. She took the glasses and the bottle from me so I could place the popcorn down. I placed it on the bed side table and climbed on my bed. My bed faced the TV in my room so it was handy.

Care had chosen a movie called Miss Congeniality. I hadn't seen that movie so I had no clue what it was about. For the rest of the movie we ate popcorn and sipped on the Pepsi. It was a pretty good movie.

When the movie ended, we switched to normal television and browsed through channels to find something interesting. We settled on Pretty Little Liars. It was only the fifth episode of the first season Caroline told me. So she explained what happened earlier so I was not confused by what was going on.

The channel we were watching seemed to be having a Pretty Little Liars marathon so we watched it till the end of the marathon. After it ended there wasn't anything else interesting so we switched off the TV.

We lay there chatting for a while and before we realized it was already 2 at night. So we went to sleep.

I lay there not falling asleep instantly. I had a feeling that something big was going to happen. And it was going to happen soon.

As I pondered over it I eventually fell asleep.

The next morning, Caroline left to meet her mom and I wondered what to do with the rest of the day but that was decided for me when Damon announced himself and joined me on the couch.

We sat on the couch until Damon spoke, "Katherine has gone."

I snorted and said, "It took her longer than I thought."

"You don't look too surprised." He stated.

"Yeah, I knew she would bail sooner or later." I said shrugging.

"Ah. Anyways, a whole lot of stuff happened yesterday when you were out with Barbie Vamp."

"What happened?" I asked him curious.

"Well, for one, Isobel Elena's biological mother came to town and told Jenna that she was Alaric's wife. Then John also came back and invited her into Elena's house. Then Isobel told that she could contact Klaus and that Klaus wanted the moonstone and the doppelganger. So Isobel kidnapped Elena and she told her that Klaus wanted only the moonstone and Katherine for now. So Elena came back home."

"So I am guessing that Katherine made some kind of deal with Isobel but Isobel set her up. What happened to Isobel now though?" I asked him

"Isobel is dead. Elena said that she removed her daylight necklace so she burned up." Damon told me.

"So where is Katherine now?" I asked him.

"We have no idea. I thought you might know."

"The best guess would be that Klaus has already come to town." I stated feeling a bit hopeful. I missed my brother and even if it means that him coming to town just to break the curse, I was happy with that.

"You seem happy about it."

"Of course I am. You are forgetting that Klaus is my twin brother and my only living family."

He stayed silent, both of us not saying anything. I was a bit pissed because I knew that all of them probably thought that since I had helped them till now, I would kill Klaus as well. There is no way that I would go against my own twin brother.

"Remember our deal about Elena."

"I haven't forgotten. There may be something. I'm not too sure it will work for sure though."

"Then keep looking for something you are absolutely certain will work."

"Let me work in peace then." I snarled out of frustration and he nodded and left.

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