45 ~ It's Story Time Ladies And Gentlemen.

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Chapter 45 ~ It's Story Time Ladies And Gentlemen.

~Third Person's POV~

Katherine looked like she was about to collapse. Kol caught her before she could fall, picking her up bridal style.

"Wait, there are some other people out there." Katherine said softly, jerking her head towards the car outside, a dozen or so feet away.

Klaus and Rebekah went towards the car cautiously, not knowing if Katherine's wounds were inflicted by someone who was still in there. Kol took Katherine inside, with Michael and Caroline hot on his trail.

When Rebekah looked inside the car, her eyes widened when she saw the occupants, Nadia, Tyler and a brunette girl. Rebekah gave a nod of acknowledgement to the two people whom she knew but gave a confused look to the girl.

"Move your big head." Klaus grumbled, trying to look inside as well. His eyes widened when he saw the girl and he ended up gaping when his eyes noticed the baby bump indicating that she was pregnant.

"Who is she?" Rebekah asked as Klaus stayed silent. He knew who she was. Hayley, a werewolf girl he had hooked up with months ago, when he was hunting for werewolves to turn into hybrids. She hadn't converted into a werewolf but had the blood of one.

"This is Hayley." Tyler introduced, keeping a protective arm around her.

"Are you two..." Rebekah trailed off, gesturing between the two of them. Both shook their head seeming horrified at the mere thought.

"He is more like a big brother to me more than anything." She said making Rebekah ask in a confused tone, "Then whose baby is this? If you don't mind me asking."

"It's Klaus' baby." She replied, making the two originals freeze.

"Is this some joke to you? I am a vampire, I can't have children." Klaus told her coldly.

"But you are a werewolf by birth." Tyler spoke up.

"This can't be happening. You must have slept with someone else. That baby isn't mine." Klaus snapped.

"If it wasn't yours don't you think I would have fessed up?" Hayley snapped at him. "I have been held captive by a stupid witch coven who believe this is some miracle baby that I am carrying, only managing to escape when Tyler accidently came across me and called Katherine and Nadia to prison break me out of there." She narrowed her eyes at Klaus. "If it wasn't yours don't you think I would have saved myself all this misery and drama?"

Rebekah chuckled at the way Hayley held her own against Klaus, who looked quite taken aback himself.

"Let's get inside and you tell us everything that happened. Bekah will get the girls clean clothes and Tyler can go home if he wants." Klaus said after a pause. It was then Rebekah noticed the state the three were in, clothes torn, dirt all over and little splotches of blood thankfully which didn't seem to be theirs.

Rebekah directed the girls to guest rooms and after hearing Hayley assure her that she didn't need help, she left to check up on Katherine.

"How is she?" Rebekah asked Caroline, since Katherine had gone to freshen up in her previous room.

"She is fine. Kol gave her some of his blood and her wounds healed up faster. I never knew blood from an Original helped to heal faster." Rebekah chuckled at her slightly accusing tone. "Who was in the car?"

"Um, Nadia and Tyler were there." Rebekah didn't know how to tell Caroline that her boyfriend had gotten someone pregnant.

"I thought there were three people."

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