7 ~ Flirting with Originals.

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Chapter 7 ~ Flirting with Originals.

~Amelia's POV~

"So that means our plan to kill Klaus is not going to happen?" Bonnie thought out loud after a few moments of deathly silence.

That did it. My control snapped and I took Bonnie by the neck and almost slammed her against the wall.

"That plan was never going to happen as long as I was alive. You already daggered one of my brothers and are keeping him the basement of this house and now you want to kill my twin brother?? Are you really that stupid to think that I wouldn't do anything to stop you?" I questioned her, my voice icy.

She was gasping for air so I slackened my hold on her. I said one last thing to her, "Just remember, you are just a young witch who knows a few parlor tricks. I am a thousand year old hybrid. Why do think will win? Don't mess with me or my family ever again." and I dropped her. She sat there gasping for breath.

I saw shocked looks on everyone's faces except for Caroline and Damon. Caroline had a sympathetic look. Damon on the other hand looked amused.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes trying to calm myself down. Once I calmed down, I mumbled a sorry and sat on the bed.

Jeremy went over to Bonnie to help her up and he took her out of the room. Elena gave Caroline an incredulous look as Care comforted me. Caroline understood my situation since she herself didn't have lots of family. I had my family, but half of them were in coffins with daggers through their heart. The other half had fled as soon as we had become vampires and I hadn't seen them ever since save for one or two times.

Elena followed Jeremy out of the room. Stefan shot one look towards us and went after Elena. No surprise there. After a while Caroline left saying something about checking up on Matt. I think they were dating, but I wasn't too sure.

"Can you show me some cool magic tricks?" Damon asked after a while of silence.

"Yeah sure." I said and pictured a flame in the palm of my hand. When I opened my palm there was a flame dancing on my palm. It was a bit bigger than the usual flames I could make till now. I guess it was due to the 100 dead witches' power.

The must all be like, 'We gave her all our power and what does she do? Makes flames for someone's amusement!'

"That's cool." He said looking like a kid on Christmas.

I snapped my fingers together and the flame went away. I grabbed a cushion and tore it apart making the feathers fall out and scatter all over the room

Damon exclaimed, "Hey! This happens to my room that you are littering."

"Shhh." I said holding up my fingers.

I laid my palm flat parallel to the ground and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes, the feathers all around the room were floating in air. Damon looked enchanted with the image of the feathers floating and I decided to do a trick. With my other hand I make some water appear on top of Damon, drenching him, making him wet from head to toe.

Thank goodness he was standing otherwise his whole bed would have been wet. Then with my other hand I made all the feathers stick to his body. All of this happened within moments so he hadn't seen it coming. Literally. His expression was priceless. His eyes were wide with shock and his jaw had dropped down.

"Very funny." He said narrowing his eyes.

"Yes, yes it is." I said clutching my stomach with laughter.

"Hmmm. How would you like a hug from me? Huh?" he said with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"You wouldn't." I warned my smile being replaced with a wary expression.

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