44 ~ Trust Issues Seem To Be A Mikaelson Trait.

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Chapter 44 ~ Trust Issues Seem To Be A Mikaelson Trait.

~Third Person's POV~

Alaric had rigged the door with the age old prank, a bucket tipping out something on the person who pushed the door open. Stefan was healing but not fast enough. Jo tried to get out of the ropes binding her to the chair but it was of no use. They were laced with vervain and a little bit of witch hazel- a herb used against witches and due she couldn't use magic because it would only result in weakening her even more.

"Wait here until Nik comes. Don't you dare follow me." Amelia instructed sternly and without waiting for a reply from Caroline, she hurried down the path Stefan had taken.

"Amelia Mikaelson, now why did I have my doubts that you wouldn't come? You always try to save your family and the people you care about." Alaric had the advanced senses now and he had sensed Amelia before she walked into the room.

"You did all this just to get to me?" Amelia asked rhetorically. "If you had a death wish you could have just called. I would have gladly ripped your throat out." She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Oh I wouldn't hurt her," He motioned to an anxious Jo who was trying to make sure that Stefan was okay. "I need her alive till I finish off your family."

"Well, good luck killing us. Here's a little Original family 101 for you, we can't be killed assbutt." Amelia said with a roll of her eyes.

"You can be killed by the white oak stake-"

"Which we posses." Amelia smirked at him.

"And I assume you have it on you in order to kill me." Alaric said with a fake smile.

"Ding ding ding, we have an idiot in our presence. Did you think I was dumb to walk right up to you with the one weapon that could kill me?" Amelia started laughing when she saw Alaric's composure fall a little.

"Oh Alaric, looks like your plan did work out like you thought it would." Jo spoke up.

"Didn't I tell you to shut your mouth?" Alaric snarled, turning to face her with a scowl on his face.

"Someone needs to teach you some manners. I would love to do the honor." Amelia stepped forward intending to snap his neck but Alaric, with his new advanced abilities, turned around and caught her wrists just before she could do anything.

"Did you forget that I have the abilities of an original as well?" Alaric asked mockingly.

"Did you forget that I was a freaking hybrid?" Amelia swung him against the lockers outside the classroom. She threw a bunch of sharpened pencils at him which acted as a stake. They were dipped in vervain, which Alaric had planned to use on Stefan, and Alaric howled in pain, dropping to his knees, trying to get them out.

"They don't feel so good when they are used on you, do they Alaric?" Jo asked with a slight smirk. Amelia had removed the ropes binding her to the chair with ease, the vervain not affecting her as much.

"Oh Alaric I am going to enjoy seeing Amelia torture you." Jo continued as Amelia swung Alaric against the opposite wall earning another cry from him.

"Torture?" Alaric asked as he straightened himself slowly. "You aren't going to kill me." Alaric stated looking at Amelia, a grin forming on his face.

Alaric rushed at her and pushed her backwards in the blink of an eye, before Amelia could defend herself. Amelia flew back into the classroom knocking over a jar. Amelia hissed when the contents of the jar touched her skin. She got up in a flash and raised her hand intending to throw a chair at Alaric but nothing happened.

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