~Chapter 12~

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I sat there, silently gagging on my water. I bet my eyes were bulging out of their sockets as the familiar face walked in... Or should I say faces?

"Hey Zayn!" He greeted my 'soul-mate' with a grin. The same grin that draws me closer, striking my urge to talk to him.

"Harry! It's great to see ya, mate!" Zayn exclaimed, shaking his hand.

"Ditto," he chuckled in response. He motioned to the familiar blonde beside him. "This is May. She's my soul-mate."

I recognized the blonde from the ceremony. She was the same one that I bumped into. It was a rather rude encounter, now that I think about it.

She was glowing in her silver dress. I was the slightest bit envious at how perfect she looked in her gorgeous gown. Her perfectly-blue eyes were bright, making me insecure about my dull hazel ones.

"Nice to meet you," Zayn smirked.

She was going for a handshake but Zayn was thinking of a hug instead. Harry awkwardly stood aside as Zayn 'hugged' May. It was obvious that Zayn was purposely making contact with her chest, rather than her slim frame.

Harry was oblivious to it all, still not noticing me. Instead, his focus was on his surroundings.

"This is Rissa. She's my 'soul-mate'." Zayn introduced me, once he was done 'hugging' and I stood up. The blush on my cheeks rose a tad bit as I realized that they were all looking at me.

"Hi," I greeted kindly. "It's nice to meet you."

Harry's lips parted a bit in surprise and I watched as they slowly turned into a sly smile. His smile was contagious, causing me to smile too. The indentions in his cheeks were dug deep as he looked me over, trying to make sure that it was really me.

On the other hand, May's eyes widened in realization as she looked at me. Her mouth shaped into an 'O' as she looked me up and down.

"Oh, I know you." She immediately spoke, with the slightest scoff. "You're that girl from the ceremony."

I nodded a bit, "Yeah. I remember you too."

Zayn half-smiled and looked at May. "It's great that you know each other."

"I wouldn't really say that we are friends . It was more of an accidental encounter," she replied blandly.

I nodded a bit; the atmosphere was the slightest bit tense. My eyes involuntarily flashed over to Harry, only to discover he was already watching me. He smiled a tad bit, before speaking.

"You look familiar," he began with a knowing smirk. "Have we met before?"

I tried to suppress a smile. I decided to go along with his 'game'.

"I don't think so," I rebutted, mirroring his expression.

He smiled fully and extended a hand. "Then let me introduce myself; I'm Harry."

I nodded a bit, "And I'm Rissa. It's nice meeting you, Harry."

"Same with you," he smiled a dimpled smile. I noticed that Zayn wasn't focused on us, but rather on May. May was busy observing her surroundings... Not including Zayn.

Of course Zayn would do that, I mentally scoffed.

I was observing my surroundings too, which was mainly Harry. His tight black jeans stuck to his fit legs, while a translucent, black button-up hung loosely around his built figure. I've never seen Harry like this - usually he wears opaque button-ups.

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