~Chapter 24~

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I walked out of the hall so quickly and once I had walked through the back door, I felt like I could breath again. Everyone was staring and it was almost as if they knew that I didn't know. Why didn't anyone tell me? Did Zayn and Harry know? Did Sophia know too?

The cold wind gently pushed back some of the stray hairs which were falling out of my updo. Goosebumps rose on my skin but the coolness felt nice. It was far to hot and stuffy in that hall all of a sudden.

My thoughts came to a halt when I heard the automatic doors sliding open. I glanced at the door and saw Zayn walking out. He spotted me and immediately, he started walking towards me.

The expression on his face was of distress. He didn't smile once when he reached me and I had to peel my eyes away. I couldn't look at him in the eyes.

"Rissa, you alright?" He asked me softly.

I pressed my lips together and stayed silent, trying to come up with something. I rubbed my arms, trying to warm myself up.

"Are you angry at me?" Zayn questioned again.

I let a sigh fall past my lips and I looked over at him. "Zayn, did you know?"

He furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms. "Know what?"

I rolled my eyes at his stupid answer. "About May? She's my half sister, isn't she?" I spoke slowly, trying to ignore the tight feeling in my throat.

His lips parted and I saw something flash in his eyes. He was silent and I took that as his answer. He knew. Zayn knew all along but he didn't bother to tell me.

I let a bitter laugh pass my lips and I looked away from Zayn. I felt bad for myself. Why did Zayn bring me here? To embarass myself?

"I'm so sorry, Rissa." He mumbled quietly.

The air snipped at my skin but I didn't feel cold. I was fuming and I was burning in anger.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I whispered. "Just a hint?"

"I'm sorry, Ris." He repeated.

I glared at him and furrowed my eyebrows. "My name is Rissa. That's it."

He let out an exasperated sigh, before rolling his eyes. "Okay, well you should be happy that at least I'm apologizing."

I felt my eyes widen. "Well, you should be happy that I'm still talking to you!" I spat angrily, before turning away.


"No Zayn," I cut him off. "I don't want to talk anymore. Just go."

I heard a sigh and then footsteps walking away. The tightness in my throat returned when I turned around and saw that he wasn't there anymore. I don't want to talk to him - or anyone for that matter.

My back touched the wall and I slid down until I was sitting. The cement was cold under my butt and so were my legs, which were stretched out in front of me. Although my dress was long, and my legs were clothed, they were still cold. I looked ratchet, sitting on the floor in such a fancy dress but I seriously couldn't care at this point.

I don't know what I'm feeling. It's a mixture of sadness, hurt and anger. I can't believe that Zayn wouldn't tell me, moreover, bring me along anyways. He always leaves me out of the loop. Zayn might not know, but it hurts. He hurts my feelings everytime. I don't want to even live with him anymore!

I looked over again when I heard the automatic doors open. It was Harry and I noticed how he looked really worried. He paused for a second and looked around, until his eyes landed on me.

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