~Chapter 2~

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The chaos began when Miss Green stopped talking and let everyone go find their partners. People began rushing around eagerly. Males matched their bracelets with different females and vis versa. Some bracelets were already glowing a bright blue colour on different wrists, indicating that they are nearing their to-be-partners. Those who found each other were extremely excited, which makes complete sense.

I took a hesitant step forward into the overly-crowded area. I'm not the most social person around, but I'm not anti-social either. I guess I can have my hyper moments and my calm moments. I'm a mix of both, really.

I looked down at my bracelet, which hasn't tingled or glown even once so far. I lightly ran my forefinger over the intricate design which holds a major part of my future within. The smooth metal plate lied calmly against my wrist, like it did for the eighteen years of life that I've lived.

My thoughts were broken as I walked into someting... or someone.

"I'm so sor-" I got cut off by the yelling of the person in front of me.

"Watch it!" She yelled, thankfully not loud enough to be heard over the tumultuous chatter of the gathering.

Bits of her pale blonde hair fell down from her high-ponytail, framing her round-shaped face. Those piercing blue eyes shot daggers at me, while giving me the coldest glare ever mustered.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized, "Are you alright?"

She kept her cold stare; those stinging blue eyes staring deeply at me. No words tumbled out of her mouth.

"I really wasn't t-" She cut me off by raising a hand.

"I don't care!" She snapped, with that, the mysterious blonde stormed away.

Well, that took a turn for the worst.

I stared into mid-air for a moment, trying to comprhend what just happened. I still felt those deep blue eyes piercing into me.

Shaking off the strange feeling, I started walking around. I asked a couple of strangers for their bracelets, none of which I could relate to. My bracelet hasn't even glowed or tingled once.

I guess this year is not my lucky year.

After walking and asking for what felt like fifteen minutes, I decided to sit down for a while.

While walking back to the bench, I noticed someone by the wall, near the bench. As I got closer, I realized that it was just a couple that was too interested in making-out to notice me. I let out a sigh and took a seat.

I need to relax.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall. The endless chatter of the gathering buzzed loudly. I felt myself being pulled into the faze of sleepiness until a sudden sensation awoke me.

A cool and tingling feeling was around my wrist and my eyes snapped open. I looked down at my bracelet. It glowed a bright, electric blue and vibrated against my wrist.

I felt my heart fluttering at the sight of the unknown glow. My heart pounded endlessly against my ribcage, threatening to rip out of me. I gathered enough courage to look away from the rare sight.

A few steps away from me, there was a rather tall man, he was very attractive to say the least. His brown hair was styled up in almost a quiff and I noticed how the hair by the nape of his neck curled.

The unknown man wore a pair of tight, skinny and black jeans along with a completely black coloured button-up shirt, which wasn't buttoned up fully, revealing an inked chest. A pair of brown boots were on his feet.
His eyes were trained down at his glowing bracelet as I felt my heart speeding up. It's most likely this man who I'm paired up.

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