~Chapter 10~

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My eyes widened and so did his. A smile crept onto my lips and he mirrored my actions.

"Rissa!" He exclaimed, taking his hands out of his coat's pockets. "Is that you?"

I walked around the counter. "Harry! It's great to see you!" I gushed.

I stopped in front of him and was tempted to hug him. But I knew that there are cameras and officials everywhere. So, I didn't.

"How have you been doing?" He asked whilst rubbing his hands together, to warm them.

"I've been great. How about you?" I replied, smiling.

"Better than ever," he replied.

Harry smiled a dimpled smile at me and I noticed how his eyes were a darker shade of green this time. His hair was longer than last time and it was separated to the side. He could really pull off the long-hair look.

"That's nice to hear." I replied, walking around the counter.

Harry walked over to the counter and leaned on it. "Are you closing up?"

I turned around and tossed the paper towels into the dustbin. I offered a half-smile and nodded. "Yeah. Although, I could stir something up, if you'd like." I suggested.

He shook his head, "No, it's alright. I'll go to-"

I cut him off by speaking. "It's on the house." I smiled at him and he let out a laugh. He shook his head in defeat.

We made small talk and I brewed up a rather great French Vanilla for Harry and myself. It's really great that we've met up after so long. It's been around a whole month since we last saw each other.

After I was done cleaning up, I handed Harry his warm cup of French Vanilla grabbed mine.

"Uh, is it alright if I close the shop? You know, everyone will get a bit suspicious if the lights are still on past the closing time." I rambled on and on.

Harry nodded understandingly. "Yeah, you can do that."

"So, are we going to walk around outside then?" I questioned, almost scared to say that.

Harry nodded but I knew that he was thinking the same thing as me. What if we get caught?

There are cameras literally everywhere and we aren't even related in some sort of way. Let alone that, there are officials undercover. If they get suspicious, we will be caught.

I excused myself and went to the back-room to grab my stuff. The brown coat was wrapped tightly around my body, once I took the apron off.

Grabbing my bag, I made my way to the front again. I grabbed the store keys and gestured Harry to follow along.

Soon enough, we were out in the cool weather of London. The ground was covered in the leftover shedding of trees; leaves. Various colours of brown, burgundy and orange were scattered all over the place. As the fast pace of London moved on, they got crushed beneath the stomping of feet. Their gentle frames were crushed mercilessly and blown away as the crisp air gusted its heavy breathes.

The weather itself was gloomy. A deep shade of grey rested within the the clouds. Everything was depressing, even the leaves which usually cheer up my mood.

There was only one thing that was not depressing. It is more of a polar-opposite, actually. And that person is Harry.

I couldn't help but steal glances at him. His forest-green eyes would be wandering about the antiqued looks of the town, whilst his pink lips curved around and about every single word he spoke. I found myself mesmerized about this man. He's very good-looking, much like what Emma had said.

"Anyways, enough about me." Harry looked over at me and shot me a smile. I returned the smile and looked away like I wasn't staring at him. "Tell me about yourself."

I went into thought, trying to think of something plausible to speak of. "What do you want to know?" I inquired.

He hummed and I suppose he was thinking. I looked over at him and watched him latch onto the warm cup of coffee up with his lips. He pulled back from the cup, after taking a sip.

"How many siblings do you have?" He questioned, genuinely interested.

My eyes wandered around the street, which was filled with people. I complied an answer. "None. Just my mum and I." I looked over to him. "You?"

He smiled to himself and tucked his free hand into the pocket of his coat. "I have a sister. Her name is Gemma."

"Gemma," I repeated. "I like the name Gemma."

Cold whisks left our mouthes as we breathed evenly. "Good. She would be happy to hear that. Anyways," he stopped rambling for a short moment. "If there was one thing you would want to definitely try, or experience, before you die, what would it be?"

My eyes widened at the interesting question. "Wow, big transition."

Harry laughed lightly and eventually I caught onto his laughter too. "Let me think." I spoke.

After a few seconds of more walking and leaf-crunching, I had finally contemplated my answer.

"To fall in love." I stated, "To be loved and to be in love."

Harry was silent all of a sudden and our walking pace slowed a bit. I glanced over at him and caught him staring at me.

"That's very deep." He spoke quietly. I felt my cheeks warm up, even in the biting coldness.

I didn't know what to say so I just sipped on my still-hot coffee. The warm liquid mingled with my taste buds.

"What about you?" I asked, once pulling away from my cup.

He thought for a moment. "To experience love... Just like you."

I looked over at him and couldn't help but smile. We have so much in common but not enough that I know every single detail about him, and vis versa. Although he is intelligent and really thinks about what he says, he always has a few secrets and he is a slight mystery.

I looked away, latching my eyes onto the grey cement. We kept walking and the wind was starting up a tad bit.

"You know," he began. "I've never told anyone that."

I glanced over at him, catching his eye. "Strangely enough, same with me. Congratulations, Harry. You know a secret of mine." I spoke, smiling to myself.

He laughed light-heartedly as I let my eyes wander the street. "I guess you know a secret of mine too, Iris."

That day, I returned home with a foolish smile on my face and a happy heart.


A/N: hiii I hope this was sufficient enough.

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Stay fab :*

~Maya. Xox

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