~Chapter 27~

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A/N: I uploaded this earlier but the notification didn't go out to you guys, so I republished again. Please comment if you got the notification. x


Zayn and Harry were intensely staring at each other and they were communicating through looks, that I couldn't understand. They knew something that I didn't know. The goosebumps on my arms rose and the dreadful feeling was settled in the pit of my stomach, the fact that I dreamt of this place didn't help.

"Guys," I spoke, snapping them out of their 'communication'. "What's happening?"

I saw Zayn visibly tense up and he sighed, his breath leaving in a wisp of fog. Harry remained completely blasé and he kept his poker face.

"Rissa," Zayn began slowly. "I've been wanting to tell you something."

I felt myself shudder. This is never good. Every time Zayn approaches me like this, it's always bad news.

"What?" I questioned, trying not to let the nerves get to me.

"Rissa," Harry butted in, making me tense up. I can't look at Harry in the eyes. "We don't think that-"

"Harry, don't tell her. Please." Zayn interrupted, making me even more nervous.

"You know what?!" I finally bursted, letting out an angry yell. "I'm tired of you two keeping things from me!" I angrily yelled, making both Zayn and Harry seem taken aback. "If these things relate to me, I have the fücking right to know!"

"Rissa, calm down-"

I cut off Harry by continuing what I was saying. "Don't tell me to calm down! I'm tired of trying to connect the fücking dots! I don't want to play any more mind games." I panted, trying to catch my breath.

I don't know where this sudden anger came from, but it was itching to be released.

Zayn stepped forward and grabbed me by my arms, making me yell even more.

"Don't touch me, Zayn!" I fumed in anger. Zayn's eyes widened at my insolent behaviour, nonetheless his grip was strong. "Can you not hear?! I said, let go of me!"

"Zayn, let go of her," Harry spoke. When Zayn didn't stop, Harry came between us and tried to pry Zayn away from me. Just as Zayn was about to let go, we heard a low sound, causing all of us to silence.

At first, I didn't recognize the sound. But then I realized that someone was laughing. It was a low, deep chuckle, one that was menacing.

Instinctively, I held onto the person closest to me, which just so happened to be Harry. All three of us looked in the direction of the chuckle and I let out a gasp.

It was the scene from my dream. Rain started drizzling over us, a bit more heavier than before. I saw a man in the shadows. His legs were visible and his hands were tucked into the pockets of his dress pants.

I gulped, but my mouth was dry. I was clinging onto Harry's arm so tightly, that my fingers felt numb. This couldn't happen.

"Who's there?" Harry asked in a strong and confident voice.

The man chuckled again and I held my breath as he took another step forward, revealing his upper body. He took another step and I felt nauseous as his face came into view.

"A-Andrew?" Zayn stuttered, sounding the most vulnerable I've ever heard him.

"No," I whispered so quietly that no one heard me.

That disgusting man, that I unfortunately call my father, let a smirk play his thin lips. He quirked an eyebrow at Zayn and I felt my grip tighten on Harry's arm, when his gaze moved over to me, slowly taking me in.

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