~Chapter 9~

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The next few days were rather smooth. Zayn had finally decided that it wasn't a good idea to let me sleep on the couch. Thank God, he figured that out. I don't think I could've went another night on that stylish, yet uncomfortable couch.

I walked into the warm coffee shop. The scent of coffee beans and the sound of buzzing chatter filled my senses. I took a moment and smiled. Finally, I'm back at work.

Because of the ceremony, the government had given everyone a week off. I enjoyed it, but I was getting tired of doing nothing all day. Everything is balanced out nicely and too much of one activity is not good.

The neutral colours of the coffee shop were calming. A candle flickered lightly at each of the small coffee tables. A few bright, yet not too bright, lights hung from the ceiling. The people who sipped on coffee, this gloomy morning were accompanied by low jazz music, which buzzed quietly.

I felt excited as I briskly walked over to the counter. Walking around it, I was let my eyes wander over all of the coffee machines and different utensils. The marble countertops sparkled in the limited lighting. I placed my hand on the marble top.

"Hey Rissa," a voice broke my staring session.

I looked over at the source of the sound and a smile spread itself on my lips. "Max!" I exclaimed.

He laughed and walked over to me. We shook hands, obviously not hugging. "How are you?" He questioned.

"I'm great!" I gushed, very happily. "I'm so happy to be back at work."

He laughed and I noticed how his hair was done up perfectly. His blonde hair was styled up in spikes and his blue eyes smiled at me in adoration.

"I'm happy too. You know, it was getting a bit lonely around here." He whispered the next part, "And Emma isn't much of a help either." Max laughed immediately, along with me.

As if on cue, Emma walked in. Her black hair was tied up in a distorted bun and a pair of black glasses rested on the bridge of her nose. Her black apron was tied tightly around her rather slim waist. She was inspecting the countertop.

I smiled brightly as she started scolding Max. "Max! Look at the coffee machines! Did you for-" her blue eyes looked over at me.

Immediately a smile broke out onto her face. "Rissa! Oh my God! It's Rissa!" She exclaimed rather loudly, gaining a few rude stares from customers. She apologized quickly and ran over to me.

"Emma!" I replied, as we hugged. "I missed you!"

"Oh my God! Finally, you're back!" She gushed as we pulled back. "Max was being a dick."

I looked over at the blue-eyed guy. His mouth dropped open as he tied his apron around his waist. "What?! You were the one being a pain in the-"

I cut them off by speaking. "Okay, okay! Looks like you two are clearly done with each other." I chuckled under my breath.

Emma rolled her eyes playfully and crossed her arms. Max sighed, with the traces of a smile, and turned around just as a customer walked up to the front counter.

"I'll be right back." I stated, still smiling.

She nodded as I walked towards the back-room. The space was squishy but I didn't mind. Opening up the oak-coloured closet, I placed my bag inside along with my brown coat.

I grabbed my black apron and tied it around myself. Right on top of my chest was the coffee shop name. 'Lotsa Coffee', it read.

I tied my hair up in a bun and smiled to myself.

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