~Chapter 34~

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"What? You loved him?" Sophia questioned in surprise.

I rolled my eyes, still feeling sour. "Obviously." I played with my soul bracelet, that I kept on in memory of Harry.

"Oh, uh, okay." Sophia seemed surprised. "But you guys weren't even paired... How could you possibly be in love with him?" She asked, touching my shoulder.

I sighed, my thoughts running a hundred miles an hour. "Just cause you're not paired with someone doesn't mean we can't talk and get to know each other."

I had fallen in love with Harry, and not just the whole of him. Rather I fell in love with all of the little things he does that go unnoticed by him, but those things are the reason that I fall for him even more. I fell in love with his mind, soul and heart.

"Well, you can't talk to a stranger if you know you're going to fall in love with them!" Sophia said surprisedly. Her brown hair was flipped onto one shoulder and her eyes blazed with confusion.

"I didn't know that I was gonna fall in love, Sophia. Love just happens and it can happen between anyone!" I said angrily, pacing back and forth in my living room. "Love is love." I whispered at last, feeling even more empty now that I had admitted it out loud.

"Listen, Ris," Sophia spoke softly. "I'm you're friend. I'm here for you, alright. So I'm sorry if what I said sounded rude, I honestly didn't mean for it to come out that way." She placed a hand on my shoulder once again. "Talk to me and let it all out."

I nodded and calmed down a bit, so that I wouldn't snap at her. I could understand where she was coming from. She led me back to the sofa so we could sit.

"I really miss him, Soph." I spoke, feeling my mind get cloudy again. "I miss seeing his smile and how his dimples look so adorable, yet sexy on him."

I paused and looked at Sophia, only to find her looking at me with a sad smile gracing her face. "Let it out, honey."

"I love the way he runs his hands through his hair whenever he's thinking. And how he bites his pink lip subconsciously, God, I get butterflies every time." I smiled to myself, continuing. "I also love his tattoos, they look really good on him. And I don't know if this is too much information, but sometimes I get really strange thoughts about him. But it's a good strange. I don't know." I looked at Sophia, with a small smile and she looked back at me and laughed.

"What kind of thoughts?" She pushed, biting her lip to stop her giggles.

I hesitated at first, but when she nudged me, I spoke. "Inappropriate thoughts, Sophia." I replied, blushing furiously. "I'm a bad person for thinking that way."

My mind went back to the times that I would zone out, whether I would be in bed or at the dinner table by myself. I would drift off and think about Harry again and how he would have touched me if we were together. I relive the short moments that he kissed my neck, his plump lips gently sucking my skin. I think about how we would do so much more than just holding hands. I wonder how far we would go, if we were together. Would be have sèx? How would that be? I'm sure it wouldn't be like how Zayn tried to get with me... Or at least I hope that it wouldn't.

She let out a laugh and grabbed my hands, "Don't worry. We all think that way."

"Do you think about Liam like that?" I asked, a bit interested.

She nodded, smirking at me. "We've done things before too, but you're too innocent to know about that yet."

My eyes widened, "Really?"

She nods again, trying not to laugh. "Anyways, continue on with what you were saying."

"Right," I spoke, thinking again. "Sometimes I think what it would be like if Harry and I were paired together in the first place. None of this would've happened. I'm sure we would be great together. He's really kind too. Whenever I'm sad, he makes me happy." I smiled to myself, "And I remember the feeling of his hand in mine. Whenever his hands were on me, I felt very comfortable, strangely enough. When we held hands, when we hugged and how he held me around my waist. It made me feel tingly inside."

"Wait, you two held hands?" Sophia stopped me, her eyes wide.

"Yeah," I replied, blinking at her.

"You know that's illegal right?" She responded.

I nodded, "We knew."

"Oh okay then. Did you guys do anything else, possibly illegal?" She asked, with a sly smile.

"Not really. Except this one time, before the incident..." I spoke lowly, swallowing deeply to control myself. "He kissed me, not on my lips, but on my neck. Once again, I don't know if that's too much information. But I liked it."

"Oh my God," Sophia spoke, her eyes wide. "Really?"

I nodded again. "But it's not what it sounds like. I stopped him, because I realized that it was wrong."

"I can't believe you two felt that way about each other and I didn't even notice." Sophia spoke, surprised.

"Yeah," I continued. "But if I knew that he was going to leave me, I wouldn't have stopped him."

I heard her sigh so I looked at her. "I have to tell you something, Rissa." She started, but the sudden ring of a cellphone stopped her from continuing, leaving my curiosity hanging from a string.

She sighed and picked up the phone, the person on the other end was clearly Liam. Sophia spoke for a while and then hung up.

"Listen, I gotta go." She said with a sad smile, "But we should definitely catch up."

I forced a smile on my face to mask my disappointment and I nodded. "Okay, it was nice having you over."

"Thanks babe, it was nice talking again." She said as she grabbed her bag and coat.

When I led her to the door, she turned around and looked at me once again. Without saying anything, she hugged me tightly.

"Call me. We should talk more." She pulled away and said, "Don't leave me like that."

I nodded and smiled. "I won't. Thanks Sophia."

"Oh and don't worry, your secret is safe with me." She added with a cheeky smile before leaving.

We said our goodbyes and I was once again engulfed in silence. I was once again left alone with my thoughts that destroyed me internally everyday.

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