~Chapter 14~

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"Hi Harry," I greeted as I cleaned up the counter. It's a few minutes past closing time so I had made Harry's coffee prior.

"Hello," he responded with a dimpled smile.

I glanced at him again as he leaned on the counter. The sleeves of his button-up were rolled up, revealing his toned and inked forearms. I had already noticed his usual black skinny jeans on his long legs.

"How was your day?" He asked me sweetly as I tossed the used paper towels into the dustbin. I felt his eyes training after me as I cleaned up.

"Same old," I exhaled a tired breath. "You?" I pushed his latte towards him as I walked around the counter.

"Today was good, like usual." Harry replied, with another grin. "You aren't drinking coffee with me today?"

I flashed a smile at him as I leaned my back against the marble counter, "I don't feel like having coffee today, sorry."

He shook his head and laughed a bit as he turned towards me, still leaning on the counter. "It's alright. Drinking coffee is much more fun when I'm drinking it with you though," he spoke, making me let out a small laugh.

I don't know why I got a weird ticklish feeling in my stomach, when his green eyes met mine. When he talks to me, he makes direct eye-contact. It feels like all of his attention is on me, which is accurate. Strangely enough, I don't feel queasy, which is how I feel when Zayn makes eye-contact with me.

We talked for a bit until he insisted on dropping me home, as Zayn was running 'late'. I think that that's his excuse ever since we had that argument. I don't think he'd be pleased if he spotted Harry and I together but I don't have a choice. Plus, this gives me some cordial bonding time with Harry.

I grabbed my stuff in the next few minutes. The weather had gotten colder, changing from its monotone and blase self. Tiny snowflakes fell from the sky and delicately landed on different surfaces, demolishing slowly. As winter approached, I felt more delighted. There's just something about winter that makes me appreciate it a bit more than the other seasons.

When we didn't speak for a few minutes, Harry spoke to me. "You seem stressed. Are you alright?"

We walked in the cold weather, all the way to his car. I glanced at him, after he spoke. He looked at me too after taking a sip of his warm drink. I watched as a few intricate snowflakes landed on his hair and eyelashes. Harry looked back to the view ahead of us with a smile of admiration on his face.

I had opened my mouth to respond, but I abruptly stopped as I spotted a Government Officer. The officer was leaning against his government car, making himself very obvious in the rushed crowd of London.

My eyes widened as I thought of bad possibilities, "Harry, there's an officer." I whispered urgently, poking his arm to get his attention.

Harry's head snapped up, his eyes leaving the pavement. I watched his lips form into an 'O'. His eyebrows furrowed automatically.

"What do we do?" I asked as the Officer, coincidentally, looked at us.

"Just stay quiet. Hopefully, he won't ask about anything." Harry replied, chewing on his bottom lip. I knew that he was referring to the laws.

I nodded stiffly, agreeing with him, and trained my gaze on the street ahead of me. We walked a bit faster in hopes that the Officer wouldn't notice us. With every step we took, I felt the Officer watch us. Harry is 'famous' - his last name is literally sprawled everywhere because of his company, so maybe that's why the Officer was watching us.

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