~Chapter 22~

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A/N: Rissa's dress is attached to the side :) also, long chapter because of the wait.


This morning, I woke up with the most unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. Not only did I feel nauseous - I also felt nervous. My stomach was flipping, flopping, tingling - you name it. I figured that it was probably because of the weather change but my sixth sense suggested otherwise. I couldn't figure out what was nagging me and that scared me. Oblivion scares me.

I woke up because of the same nightmare. Once again, I was dressed in a long red gown and my hair was tied up. I was all by myself in the back alley and there was man, who disappeared the second his face came into the limited lighting.

So you can imagine that when Zayn told me I would be attending a gala tonight, as his 'date', I was not very excited. He told me last minute once again and even though I wasn't feeling well (and he was well aware of that) he still forced me to come along.

"Yeah, she'll be getting her hair done and-" I watched from my seat on the couch, in complete annoyance. Zayn was rambling into the phone about how his 'date', also known as me, will be dressed tonight.

"No, she won't- will you let me finish? Goodness," Zayn sighed. "She'll be getting her hair and makeup done. Yes, the fitting session will be nice. Will she get her nails done? One sec,"
Zayn turned over to me.

"Do you want to get your nails done for tonight?" He whispered to me. Just as I opened my mouth to reply, he spoke into the phone once again. "Yes, she'll get her nails done."

I huffed annoyedly for the umpteenth time. I felt like I was a four-year-old that had absolutely no say in what was going on. Me being me, I hate that. I want to be able to control what I get to do.

"Alright, be here by 4:30 sharp." Zayn ordered into the phone, once again showing me how much power he had around here.

I rolled my eyes once he finally turned towards me after hanging up. "The hairstylists and make up people should be here in around half an hour. Your dress was chosen for you already." He blabbered on and on.

"I don't care, Zayn. I don't even want to go. You know that I'm not feeling well." I sighed and stood up.

"Well, I need someone to be there with me at the event, so guess what? You're coming along." He snapped while tucking his phone back into his sweats pocket.

I huffed, knowing that I would be going either way. So I went into the kitchen and was eating some food until the doorbell rang. I groaned out loud and let my eyes flash over to the digital clock. It read '4:30' in big numbers.

I heard Zayn chattering with someone at the front door and a few moments later, he sauntered into the kitchen. His eyes landed on me and he blankly stared for a second until he snapped out of it.

"The artists are here. Go up to the bedroom, they're getting all set up there." He stated monotonously.

I got up and dragged my socked feet across the cold floor. Zayn watched my every move until I was out of the room. With an annoyed scoff, I went up the stairs, taking two at a time.



I had sent Rissa up almost an hour ago to join the stylists. It's been rather silent in the rest of the house so I just chilled on the couch, watching something on the telly, trying to ignore the guilt that had settled itself into the pit of my stomach.

Rissa had absolutely no idea what she was getting herself into. Only Harry and I knew what was going to happen tonight at the gala... And him. Oh my God, I hate him so much. He's ruined me and I did nothing to that son of a bïtch.

Invincible ➵h.sTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon