~Chapter 19~

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A/N: i get butterflies while looking at this gif idk man


"Aunty B-Barbara?" I whispered in shock, feeling my mouth suddenly go dry.

She was on the cold cement, in a pool of piercing red blood. Her face was pale and her body seemed limp. I dropped down to my knees and I grabbed her, laying her head in my lap. The blood smothered onto my clothing but I couldn't care less.

"A-Aunty, say something!" I screamed as she kept her eyes trained on me. Her lips were chapped and parted as her full body slowly drained of its cheerful colour.

"Someone call the ambulance!" I screamed in despair as my trembling hands brushed the hair out of her face.

She took another agonized breath and my aunt just stared at me. Her lips moved as I leaned in to hear her words.

"I have to t-t-tell you something," she strained out. It seemed as if every single word pained her.

"Yes, aunty, tell me." I cried feeling myself tremble helplessly. I ran a hand through her hair and grasped her hand with the other.

"You... Zayn..." She croaked out and took a deep breath and shook her head repeatedly.

She started choking on the air surrounding us, making me speak while trying not to sob, "What about it, aunt?!"

"A-Aren't supposed to be... S-Supposed to be..." She whispered hoarsely. "T-Togeth-"

I watched in complete horror as her eyes rolled back, and she let out a choke. All of a sudden, her stiff body went limp in my lap and I froze.

The sirens were emerging and people were talking. I let out loud sobs once the realisation hit me. I crouched over her body in nothing but despair.

"Wake up! Aunty Barbara, wake up!" I yelled as I shook her shoulders.

My filled tears blurred my vision and I couldn't comprehend what was happening. Everything was spinning and even when the paramedics grasped my aunt's body, I couldn't understand anything. I had stood up, wanting to follow after her.

"Aunty!" I yelled as the paramedics placed her in a cover. "She isnt dead! She can't be!"

"We're very sorry ma'am." A paramedic spoke shortly.

I started sobbing loudly and my body was shaking relentlessly. People passed me symapthetic looks as they scuttled away. Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands grab my feeble arms and I couldn't help but look up.

Harry looked at me with sympathy laced onto his beautiful features. One of his hands wiped a few tears of mine, and I let my body collapse into his hold. This was the closest we've ever been, as Harry held my body which refused to be strong anymore.

And in that moment, the only thing that I felt was the feeling of Harry's strong arms holding me tightly against his chest. The tears streamed down my face and onto his clothes as my mind was preoccupied with the flashing memories of my aunt.


That night I had phoned my mother to inform her of the dreadful news. It physically and emotionally pained me to tell my mum of the news. Aunty Barbara was her best friend, but more of a sister. Mum broke into sobs and I wished nothing but to be there for her and hold her close to me, like Harry held me.

His strong hold was enough to help me back up to my feet. I remember feeling engulfed in his arms and smelling his scent, which smelled like mint and an expensive cologne. One of his slender arms wrapped around my waist, while the other rested in my hair. He kept wiping my tears away and he told me that I don't deserve any of this, making me pity myself even further. Harry kept telling me that he was a phone call away if I needed anything, making me thank him multiple times.

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