~Chapter 8~

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A/N: alright here's chapter eight, I hope you enjoy this one! Don't forget to inline comment and vote! Thank you :)


Zayn walked into the house, feeling confident. It's time for him to take out 'Risa' for dinner. Zayn has been feeling rather guilty about the way he treated her. Yeah, since he's a Malik, he's been with other girls and gotten away with it. But in this case, it's more of a long-term thing. He doesn't want to mess this up. And he also knows that she's going to fall for him eventually.

On the other hand, Rissa is nervous. Number one, she's never done this before. She's seen movies where couples go on dates but that's about it. Plus, she can't even pinpoint if Zayn and her are even a couple. Number two, the dress is making her feel strange and exposed. Although she understands that in this situation, it's a 'give and take'.

Zayn walked into the bedroom, after knocking. "Hey Rissa," he spoke, eyes on his phone's screen.

"Hi Zayn," she replied, shyly.

His eyes flashed up from his phone. His eyebrows rose in surprise and his eyes widened. Zayn's eyes racked Rissa's curvy body, taking in her features. He smirked at the choice of the dress. She looks sexy; the dress compliments her and her features nicely.

Rissa blushed under Zayn's gaze. She noticed how Zayn's attire was different now. He probably had changed before coming home.

"Whoa," Zayn breathed out, still checking her out. "You look amazing."

"Thanks. You too." She smiled at him and walked towards Zayn, as he tucked his phone into his pocket.

"Let's go." He stated.

Iris nodded and started walking beside Zayn. They were awkwardly quiet once again. Rissa felt Zayn wrap his arm around her waist. He pulled Rissa towards himself, making her blush at the gesture.

"Where are we going?" She questioned, as they walked towards the front door.

"A restaurant. It's very classy and the food is good too." Zayn informed her.

She nodded and slipped on her coat, Zayn putting his arm back around her waist. "Sounds good." She replied, smiling.

They walked outside, only to be greeted by the biting coldness of fall. The beautiful earthy colours surrounded the well-kept gardens. Rissa smiled even more, just being in nature. It makes her happy and she appreciates life on Earth.

Zayn opened the passenger door for Rissa. Iris thanked him. She sat down in the black Porsche, shuddering slightly because of the cold leather seat under her thighs.

Zayn came around the car and sat down in the drivers seat. He smoothly turned on the ignition and turned his head over to Rissa.

"You cold?" He questioned, as he started backing out of the driveway.

"Just a bit," she replied timidly.

He nodded and turned on the heat. The car ride was calm and silent. It was accustomed by the smooth buzz of some unknown music.

Rissa was buried in her thoughts until a vibration in her purse awoke her. She pulled out her phone and was well aware of Zayn's eyes on her.

"That's your phone?" He scoffed, immediately shutting up after that. "I mean, like-"

"No, it's okay." Rissa cut him off. "And yeah, this my phone. I know, it's shitty." Her cheeks burned in a strong crimson colour.

"I'll get you one, don't worry." He replied.

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