~Chapter 26~

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Note: read the author's note at the end, loves. Also, my readers couldn't comment on this chapter so I tried republishing it. I hope it helps. x


"You don't understand, Ris." Harry mumbled, before making direct eye contact. "I like you... Much more than a friend."

I felt my breath hitch in my throat and my mouth went dry. My body froze, and so did time. Did I hear that correctly? Harry couldn't have said that.

"What?" I breathed out, doubtedly.

"Rissa, I like you a lot more than a friend should." He stated again. Harry's breath was hot near my ear, as he moved his head closer to my neck.

My heart was hammering in my chest. Harry likes me. Oh my gosh, Harry likes me. This isn't supposed to happen. He can't like me. We're going against the rules of society and law. He can't like anyone except for his partner, which so happens to be my half-sister.

"I don't know what to do anymore," he whispered lowly into my ear. His hands were placed firmly against my hips and I was trapped between his taut body and the cold wall. "I want to be able to hold your hand in public." He whispered again.

Harry's hand trailed from my hip until he gently grasped my cold hand. "I want to be able to compliment you and see you blush, every time I do." He added, lightly grazing his lips against the skin of my earlobe, causing me to suck in a deep breath. I don't know what he's doing, but for some strange reason, I'm enjoying it.

"I want to be able to touch you wherever I want, whenever I want," he mumbled seductively, making my insides flip.

I closed my eyes as his hand moved away from my hip, until it reached the base of my back. Harry slowly grazed the pads of his fingers up the arch of my back, causing me to get goosebumps.

"Oh Ris," he whispered against my ear. "I want to be able to do this," he spoke, before pressing his lips against the skin on my neck for a while, making me gasp loudly, until he pulled away, "without the fear of getting caught."

"Harry," I whispered gently, but he continued.

"Rissa, I want to make love to you," his voice was much deeper now, and his body was firmly pressed against mine. "And I want to wake up the next morning and see you wearing nothing, with only the white sheets from my bed, covering your body."

I was thoroughly surprised at Harry's words and tone. He sounded so seductive and I felt myself wanting to say something, but I couldn't bring myself to it. This was so wrong. Harry shouldn't be telling me this, and I should be stopping his. So why wasn't I?

"This might seem sudden, Ris." He answered my thoughts, "But I've been feeling like this for a long time."

"Harry, we shouldn't be doing this," I protested weakly.

"Then why does it feel so right?" He mumbled. "Ris, when I'm with you, I feel good. I don't feel lonely."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as Harry gently pressed his lips against my neck again. I'm sure he could feel my heavy breathing as he peppered desperate kisses down my skin.

I didn't realize what I was doing until I opened my eyes, and saw my hands buried deep in Harry's hair, gently pushing his head towards me.

My hands froze. What am I doing? I'm leading Harry on to something that is so wrong. He just told me that he wants to make love to me and I'm letting him kiss me like this? This is so bad.

Moreover, Zayn has definitely flirted with girls and has had his fun. But he hasn't cheated on me, while I was 'with' him. I'm cheating on him right now and I can get him into so much unnecessary trouble.

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