~Chapter 4~

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Zayn and Iris walked into the lavish interiors. Iris' pink lips parted slightly as she took everything in. As if the exterior wasn't jaw-dropping enough, she thought that the interior was breath-taking.

Zayn simply removed his black shoes and unbuttoned his grey blazer. He paused and turned around. What Zayn didn't understand was how lavish this dwelling is compared to what Iris used to live in.

Her mouth was still hung open in awe, arms limp by her side, which held her filled suitcases. Zayn couldn't help but smirk to himself. He always gets this reaction when people less superior than himself come over.

"Uhm, you want to go see the bedroom?" He asked a shocked Iris.

She snapped out of her mini-trance and shut her pink mouth, which was aligned with perfectly white teeth. A small pinkness spread itself over her cheeks and she nodded meekly.

Zayn let out an airy chuckle as Iris removed her grey flats by the doormat. He thought that she was hot. She has great curves and a pretty face; that's all that matters to Zayn, nothing more, nothing less. Although he thought she was hot, he also thought that she is very naive. He knows she's curvy, what he doesn't understand is that why she is wearing such blunt clothes. If she's sexy, she should flaunt it, not hide it. However, Zayn couldn't give a single flying fuck about that because in his mind, he was already removing those horrid clothes of hers.

Rissa reluctantly heaved up her suitcases once more, which were rested upon the floor just a few seconds ago. When she bent down to grasp the handles, unconsciously, her dress' neckline swooped low, revealing cleavage. Zayn's dark eyes followed the accidental gesture, slowly running his tongue over his teeth.

She got up and followed a cocky Zayn up a luxurious staircase, a couple of hallways, taking constant rights and lefts, of which none Iris could remember.

They entered a freshly cleaned bedroom. In Rissa's opinion, the room smelt like a strong musky cologne; one which smelt like Zayn. It was extremely gorgeous, just like the rest of the house.

"Wow," was all Iris could manage.

Zayn walked over to the bed and took off his blazer, nonchalantly tossing it onto the made bed. He ran his fingers through his dark hair and Iris smiled at the gesture, thinking about how fit he is.


"You can just leave your stuff there," Zayn pointed over to the empty spot beside the desk.

I nodded and hustled my bags to the desired spot. Bending down, I dropped my bag onto the floor, along with my suitcase.

I got up and took a step back. A gasp escaped my mouth when my back hit something. I whirred around in one swift motion and my eyes widen at the sight.

Zayn was standing extremely close to me, a few of the buttons on his white shirt were undone and a well-known cocky smirk was plastered upon his sharp features. His hair was ruffled up and those brown eyes were dark.

I was taken aback at the limited distance between our bodies. His musky cologne filled my senses and I felt my breathing hitch.

He took a step towards me and I took one back. Once again, Zayn stepped forward, making my heart pound with every second. I moved back only to be met by the cold wall colliding with my warm back.

"Trapped aren't we?" Zayn whispered as his body slowly pressed up against mine.

I couldn't find the words to speak as Zayn neared my ear with his plump lips. My body was now pressed between the wall and Zayn, making me sick. I'm not ready for this.

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