~Chapter 25~

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"Rissa," Harry let out a low whisper. His breath was warm against my lips, and I instinctively leaned in closer to him. I don't know what I wanted, but it certainly had to do with him. He continued, "Can I-"

There was a loud ring and soon enough, both Harry and I realized that his cellphone was ringing. Something flashed in his eyes and I realized what we were doing. I felt myself snap out of the trance I was in and so did Harry. He awkwardly looked away and let go of me, allowing me to move back into my seat, with a prominent blush on my cheeks.

Harry cleared his throat awkwardly and answered the phone, while I stared outside of the window. What was I about to do? Was I about to kiss Harry?

The thought settled itself in my brain and I felt guilty. We shouldn't have been that close. Friends are not supposed to be that close to kissing. Moreover, what if someone caught us? Harry would be the talk of the tabloids and I would tarnish Zayn's name.

I hadn't realized when Harry gotten out of the vehicle, until he came around and opened my door for me. Harry and I didn't make eye contact, but nonetheless, I got out of the car and we started walking, side by side.

"What's your favourite ice cream flavour?" He asked me, obviously trying to cut the thick awkwardness in the air.

"Anything, really. But I really like vanilla. It's classic." I replied, with a small smile. "How about you?"

"Ah, my favourite flavour has to be... HoneyComb. It's weird, I know." He stated, making me laugh lightly, "Otherwise, it's mint chocolate chip."

We entered the ice cream parlour and I smiled in satisfaction. There was no one else here, except for Harry and I. We walked up to the front desk and I looked through the digital menu, along with Harry.

"Oh! Have you tried Strawberry Cheesecake?" Harry asked me and I nodded. "Okay, how about Butter Pecan?"

I nodded once again, "Harry, I'm a professional ice-cream enthusiast; I've tasted all of these flavours."

He let out a laugh and his dimples dug deep into his cheeks. "Okay, well have you tried HoneyComb?"

I pursed my lips together and Harry started laughing. "You haven't tried HoneyComb?!" He exclaimed in surprise and I shook my head.

"'I'm a professional ice-cream enthusiast!'" Harry mimicked me and I started laughing at his extra high-pitched voice.

"I don't sound like that!" I whined humorously, while Harry wrapped his arm around my bare shoulders.

"Oh, Ris, you never fail to surprise me." He laughed quietly, and pressed a kiss to my temple, making my heart beat a bit faster than it should've. He shouldn't be doing this.

Eventually, Harry and I got our ice cream. Harry paid, despite the fact that I was trying to pay for my own stuff. Apparently, he was trying to be a 'gentleman'. We decided to go sit on the bench outside.

"So, how's stuff between you and Zayn?" Harry subtly brought up.

I felt myself tense up at Harry's words. What was I supposed to say? We argue everyday and I can't stand him anymore.

"We didn't end things on okay terms, I guess." I replied, taking a huge lick of my ice cream immediately.

"Oh, how come?" Harry asked, genuinely curious.

"The same reason that I was upset with you," I added, licking my ice cream again. "How're things between you and May?"

He was silent for a second and I supposed he was eating his ice cream. "Well, like I told you before, I think I'm gonna propose soon."

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