~Chapter 16~

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Work was slow. Majority of our customers stop by in the morning- probably because of work and the morning rush. So in contrast, we don't have as many customers during the afternoons.

I swiped the wash cloth on the table, after spraying it. I made sure to scrub at the coffee stains and move the crumbs to the floor, which Emma was going to sweep up.

The ding of the bell above the door sounded. I left my cleaning supplies on the table and walked over to the cash register, ready to serve yet another customer.

"Hello, what may I g-get you t-today, sir?" My stuttering voice came to an abrupt halt as my eyes landed on the familiar face.

I felt my jaw clench and I fisted my apron, under the counter, to keep calm. My expression was stolid, but I made sure to keep my feelings hidden. Despite my growing anger, I had to serve the man. After all, he is a customer.

"Ah, not sir." He chuckled and leaned against the marble counter. "Call me Andrew," he paused and let a smirk play with his lips for a few moments. "Or you can call me dad or daddy."

I bit my lip to refrain from saying something crude. I caught the reference that he threw in there. Knowing him, he would probably get me fired if I spoke rudely though.

"I'll repeat myself," I spoke in a collected tone. "What would you like, sir?" I purposely put pressure on the word 'sir'.

"I told you to call me dad." He snapped but immediately loosened up as he said the next few words, with a lazy smirk. "Or even daddy."

This time, I didn't hold myself back. "You lost the title of a father a long time back, Mr. Eckhart." The disgust in my words seeped through and his smirk immediately dropped from his face. His eyes slowly traveled over my features, examining me with a hardened look.

"Listen, honey, I just dropped by to see how my beautiful daughter is doing." He tried to sweeten up my sour attitude towards him. It wasn't going to work. "I didn't know that my daughter is so sexy."

I tore my gaze away from his face and looked down at the cash register. "Don't call me your daughter. I'm not your daughter anymore." I shot back with fury, ignoring his other words.

"Oh honey, but you are." He laughed a bit and soon enough he tried to grab my hand, that was on the counter. I jerked away from his touch.

"Don't!" I said sternly and he started chuckling again, like it was a comedy show.

"Well, how's Zayn?" He asked in a sarcastic tone, "Are you two getting it on?"

I rolled my eyes and felt like spitting in his face. The prude let a disgusting smirk linger on his thin lips, bringing me discomfort.

"He's fine," I snapped, looking around. Emma was too busy sweeping the floor to notice my uncomfortable state. Max was in the back, once again leaving me no choice but to associate with the man.

"Oh, well since I'm your daddy," he began with a sick smile. "You should introduce him to me."

I mustered up my fiercest glare and stared at him, right in the eyes.

"Stop," I retorted with a poker-face, holding in my anger.

"Oh right, Zayn and I are associates in the business world," he chuckled to himself. "He's been handling his businesses decently, ever since his father passed them onto him."

I clenched my jaw once again and turned my head. Apparently, he thought that it was a sign to continue.

"But, of course, I had to have a fucking daughter," he mumbled to himself. I glanced at him and saw him staring at me with a grimace. "Fucking useless," he spat with a shake of his head.

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