~Chapter 5~

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Iris pressed the cool surface on the iPhone against her burning ear. A million thoughts were racing through her brain and to say that she was nervous was an understatment. She bit her lip in anticipation and cleared her throat, preparing herself to talk. The phone was ringing and Iris is calmly waited for the so-called 'Harry' to pick up.

She took this short occasion to think about what she was going to say, as Iris had nothing planned. Idiotically enough, she had hit 'Call' without a proper reason. Many words were trying to peel their way through her mouth and ramble on and on.

Well, Rissa did have a reason but it wasn't rational enough. Plus, she knew that if the person on the other end decided to tell someone, that a female called him, she would be screwed. Might as well not say anything stupid this time.

Her heart was beating erratically against her ribcage and her mind was consumed by perplexing thoughts. She wiped her free hand on her pale dress, trying to get rid of the sweat which gathered itself on it.

Iris' breath hitched in her throat as the ringing came to an abrupt stop. Her mind raced of possibilities and she wanted to scream of joy when a person spoke.

"Hello?" A male spoke. His voice was smooth like silk. "Zayn, how're you mate?"

Iris' hands trembled as she wracked her blank mind of things to speak of. "Uh- I," she stuttered helplessly.

"Mate? You got a cold? Your voice doesn't sound right." The mystery man spoke again, worry lacing his angelic voice.

"Um, no." Finally, Rissa spat out some words. "It's me."

Iris felt idiotic at that moment and wanted to slap herself. How the fuck is this man supposed to know who 'me' is?

She desperately tried to think of something to say but her big mouth didn't utter any words. Out of all times, now was when her witty mind decided to be blank... a fucking blank space.

Even though no one except herself was present, she was still blushing a bright red.

"Me..." The man trailed, urging her to complete the sentence.

"Uh, Rissa." She continued, still wanting to slap herself.

There was a moment of silence, as the man was quiet and so was Rissa.

Immediately, Iris thought that it was a bad idea in the first place. Now this man is probably going to tell the Government Officials that some 'Rissa' called him. They're going to track her down. That's it. She's done for.

Rissa's irrelevant thoughts were shattered when the man continued talking.

"I think I've heard that name somewhere..." He trailed, quietly.

Iris was too swallowed up in her thoughts to hear the man. She gasped suddenly when the man spoke loudly.

"Oh! Now I remember!" He spoke emphatically. "You're the girl from the Ceremony! Right?"

A goofy smile spread across Rissa's face and she nodded stupidly. Even through her tears, she was euphoric.

"Yeah," she breathed, "It's me."

The guy chuckled on the other end. "That's great. My name is Harry, Harry Styles." He paused, "We've already introduced ourselves, but hey, whatever?"

This made Rissa laugh. "Yeah, I'm Rissa, Rissa Esmond. Go second introductions!"

They both laughed in harmony, they both were quite awkward. The settle laughter died down a bit and it was almost quiet again, until Harry spoke.

"So what's new?" He spoke, with an edge to his words.

Rissa sighed, remembering the earlier events. Everything, she thought, everything is new.

What Rissa didn't know was that Harry was kind of surprised, to say the least. He wanted to ask Rissa a million questions at once but the only question he got out was 'what's new?'.

"Nothing much, really." Iris lied. Iris didn't want to rant anymore. She just wanted to genuinely talk to someone and feel better.

"Hey, quick question." Harry began. "Why are you calling from Zayn's cellphone?"

Rissa opened her mouth to reply but Harry quickly butted in.

"I mean, I don't mind but I'm just curious. I'm sorry, that was quite ru-"

"Harry," Rissa spoke calmly, cutting off Harry's useless rambling. "It's okay." She chuckled silently.

Rissa thought for a moment, carefully picking and choosing her words. "I'm Zayn's partner."

"Wait, what?" He replied, obviously taken aback.

"I, Rissa Esmond, am Zayn Malik's partner." She spoke once more, clearly stating each and every word.

"Wow! Really?" He questioned.

"Yeah," she internally cringed.

"Well, that's great! Zayn's a great guy." He paused for a moment. "But he can have his moments sometimes.

"I figured." She internally groaned. "Who are you with?"

Harry was quiet on the other end for a quick second. There was hesitation in his voice once he spoke.

"Uh... I kind of forgot her name." He said, feeling the heat on his ears. "She's really nice though."

"That's good." Rissa spoke.

Suddenly, the silence was stiff once more.

"So, uh, nice weather we're having?" Harry spoke.

Iris laughed a bit and agreed. "Yup, nice weather."

Well, this is really fucking awkward, Iris thought.

"Uh, could you not tell anyone that I called you." Rissa asked. "I mean, because I'm a female and all that."

"Oh yeah, don't worry. This will be a secret in between us." Harry smiled to himself.

"Great." She mumbled. "So, um, I guess I will talk to you later?"

"Yeah, for sure." Harry spoke slowly.

"Okay, bye Harry." Iris said.

"Bye, Rissa. Take care."

Iris calmly removed the phone from her ear. She exited the application and placed the phone on the side table.

A smile spread across her full and pink lips. This was genuinely one of the first times the Rissa felt uplifted ever since she stepped foot into this house.


hi guys. omg I'm so sorry that I haven't updated for 163916921 years.

I promise that my updates will be faster, just hold tight for a few more days. My break is coming up (god bless) so that means more updates! (can i get an amen?)

And omfg this chapter sucked I'm sorry. I promise that the next one will be 100 times better i swear

Please vote and comment! Remember more comments means a guaranteed dedication (although it might be a bit late 'cause i can only pick one person at a time)

Also, this chapter is dedicated to mulliniallerr bc she comments like a boss and slays at life.

Thanks for dealing with me,

-maya xox

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