~Chapter 37~

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a/n: can we get to 40 comments on this chapter? and short chapter I know, but there will be another update soon.


"How are you still alive?" I asked, my voice wavering.

"I-I don't know how I managed to survive." He replied, furrowing his eyebrows in thought. "But that night, Andrew had shot me accidentally, when I got between them. He meant to shoot Zayn."

"I know, but didn't you get..." I trailed off, before taking a deep breath. "Didn't you get shot in the chest?"

He looked at me, his pale green eyes finding my brown ones. Harry nodded slowly. "I did get shot in my chest. But it was near my shoulder, on my right side. It wasn't near my left side at all, hence I was saved."

I bit my lip and nodded. I looked down composing myself and trying to stop my hands from shaking. My mind raced. All of this information was finally clicking together and making sense. So many of my questions were being answered, but many led to more questions. How did Harry manage to get out of there?

"How did you get out of there?" I asked in a timid voice. I saw his eyes watching me, just as I was watching him.

"After you were taken away, Zayn had a gun. When Zayn was at the gala, he informed his men that if he was gone for more than ten minutes then they should come out, armed, and have an extra gun for Zayn himself." Harry explained while I watched him. He moved his hands slightly as he talked.

"When Andrew had you in his hold," Harry paused and I saw him cringe while thinking of the horrible memories. I remembered how Andrew was slowly sucking my neck, and all of a sudden I felt sick. He was a sick bastard. I could tell Harry was thinking of the exact same thing, by the pained expression on his face. "Andrew wasn't focused on Zayn, who was handed a gun when one of his men came out."

"And then, when I got shot, his men took you away safely, thank God." He sent me a small smile, "And then all I remember is going in and out of consciousness. But then I heard a gunshot and Andrew fell to the ground."

A small gasp escaped my lips, and my hands nervously gripped my knees.  I didn't know that Andrew was dead. And moreover, the fact that Zayn had killed him made the situation even more twisted. Zayn was depressed and he had revealed that that night. He was always sad but I would've never thought that he would be driven to the point where he would kill.

The worst part was that I wasn't sad or upset at all about Andrew. My father was dead and I didn't regret anything or feel any pity. He was a sick man that tortured my mum and then he messed with me. The things he did to me are some that I will never forget my whole life.

"Z-Zayn killed Andrew?" I asked slowly, accidentally stuttering.

Harry nodded and then a long silence filled the room. There were so many things processing in my head and I couldn't believe anything. Zayn killed Andrew? My eyes stayed trained on the ground because I was so ashamed of the man I had to call my father.

"Harry," I started out, finally looking up at his face. "I'm sorry."

His beautiful, evergreen eyes widened a bit and pink lips parted. "No, Ris, why are you apologizing?"

"Because of Andr-" I was cut off as Harry spoke, gently grabbing my hands in his own. I hadn't realized that we had gotten closer to each other on his leather couch.

"No, Ris, don't apologize. He's gone. If anything, I should be apologizing for leaving for a whole year." He spoke, making me shake my head vigorously. My eyes watered mercilessly.

"I didn't tell anyone, except for my mum where I went Harry. It's not your fault." I gently placed a hand on his smooth cheek, with a bit of stubble, to which he closed his eyes for a moment and let out a sigh. He brought his hand up and placed it over my own. I let a very small smile play at my lips at the comfort of the small contact.

"Oh, Ris, you don't know how much I missed you." He spoke, still not opening his eyes. He removed my hand from his cheek, only to press a soft kiss to my knuckles and place it back on his cheek. All while I silently admired the man that I am hopelessly in love with.

His long eyelashes draped over the top of his cheeks. The small amount of stubble showed how he hadn't been taking care of himself very well. His hair was long and looked soft and I wanted to run my hands through it. And his lips, oh God, his lips. They were pink as ever. They were slightly chapped but the heart-shaped lips tempted me to do many things.

So I didn't say anything, other than removing my hand from his face, to which Harry pouted. But then I wrapped my arms around his tall figure in an embrace, one that he returned. I squeezed him as tightly as I could and he did the same back to me. And in that moment, I couldn't help but let the tears run down my cheeks and onto his shoulder. I missed him so much. I missed his scent, his body, his dimples and his green eyes. I missed his obsession with "double-e's" and his giraffe like-stance. He pulled my body even further into his and I felt him take a deep breath in. After many months, I felt like I was at peace and I felt comfort.  After what seemed like forever, we pulled away and he smiled at me. I wiped my eyes so that he wouldn't be able to see me cry, but like always, he saw right though me.

"Baby, don't cry." He spoke, wiping away my tears with a small smile. The small nickname erupted the butterflies in my stomach. I started laughing a little bit when he tried moving his hair away by blowing on it. It flopped right back onto his forehead and I let out a laugh. I felt him grasp my free hand and I couldn't help but blush when I moved his hair away. I felt his green eyes examining my face. I was moving back to my seat when Harry stopped me, gently placing a hand on my lower back and pulling me closer to him. I wasn't close enough to be sat in his lap but I was close enough that my legs were draped over his own. He let a small smirk play on his lips, as his dimple was on display. My heart raced.

All of a sudden, I felt a cold tingle. It was cooling against the skin of my wrist and I looked down immediately. A smile graced my lips when I noticed that my soul bracelet was glowing a familiar bright blue. But my bracelet wasn't the only one glowing. My heart raced and I felt my heartbeat in my ears.


y'all are gonna love the next chapter, trust me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

~Maya. xox

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