~Chapter 7~

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After Zayn left, leaving me completely flustered, I wanted to laugh in joy. This is an improvement, a rather large one, in fact. I guess Zayn and I can get along. I cannot screw this up for Zayn and I. This is potentially the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

My thoughts were shattered as my retro cellphone beeped. I walked back to the vanity and gripped the flip phone in my hand. I really need to get a new one of these contraptions soon.

A name flashed on the screen, along with a text message. I felt my smile widen as I read the message.

Lucy: Hey :) Just wanted to know how you're doing?

I rolled my eyes, playfully. 'Lucy' is the code name I kept for Harry. That way, no one will know that I'm talking to a male. After the phone call, I had shamelessly saved his number in my contraption of a cellphone, under the name 'Lucy'. He told me that my name is 'Bob' so I guess it works.

Me: I'm doing great. I'm suuuuuper bored though! How about you?

Lucy: Just at work. Quite boring in my opinion.

Me: Awe, poor 'Lucy'. My shift starts tomorrow at eight.

Lucy: :O my name is Lucy??? I thought it was Darcy!

I laughed a bit and typed in a reply.

Me: gosh, sorry Lucy. I didn't know your name was actually Darcy. Lemme change that.

I went through my contacts and after successfully changing the name, I added to my response.

Me: There you go :) it's Darcy now.

Darcy: That's better.

Harry and I talked for a few more moments until he told me that there are a few phone calls intervening. I said bye and continued on with my life.

It suddenly snapped in my mind; what Zayn said. He told me that there is something in the closet. Being the head-over-heels curious person I am, I completely left what I was doing and walked to the closet.

I opened the door and turned on the light of the glamorous walk-in. Endless rows of Zayn's clothes were visible. Everything that a male would ever think of wearing, is in this closet.

I searched for some sort of package and mentally smacked myself, when I noticed a package in the middle of the room. It was adorable; a pink gift bag, staring me right in the face.

I walked towards the small package and bent down so that I was levelled with it. I gripped it's straps and walked out of the closet.

After I dropped the bag onto the made bed, I sat down. Reaching into the bag, I felt a piece of paper at the top. I pulled it out and my eyes skimmed the words, comprehending each one.

Hey Risa, I got this for you. I didn't tell you how formal to be, so I had Gretta grab a dress for you (I picked it out, by the way). It's from a nearby boutique. I look forward to seeing you tonight.

-Zayn ;)

I ignored how he spelt my name wrong, trying not to laugh. He always seems to get my name wrong.

I couldn't believe that Zayn went through the trouble of buying me a dress! I mean, I have clothes packed with me, I could have found something sufficient enough for the occasion. I can't even think of how expensive it must be! He bought it from a boutique!

Nonetheless, I reached down into the bag once more and gripped a piece of clothing. I pulled it out, and laid it out on the bed.

It was breath-taking. A black dress laid strewn on the bed, one which was made of lace. It was a lacy material with a neckline that stooped quite low in my opinion. Well, there will be lots of cleavage tonight. Hooray for Zayn.

It looks like the dress will reach mid-thigh and the sleeves go up 'til my elbows. It is a tight dress, for sure.

The back of the dress is similar. The neckline stoops quite low. Perhaps until the middle of my back?

Typically Zayn.

Although, the dress is absolutely gorgeous, it's a bit too... Exposing for me. It's definitely beautiful and I know that it will fit me perfectly, although I am not one that is too keen of being so exposed.

Although I will feel strange, I will do it. Like I thought earlier, I'm not messing this up for us. Plus, it's only for one night.


I stared at myself uncertainly in the full-body mirror. Although the glamorous lighting was enough to make anyone look amazing, I still felt strange.

The dress had fulfilled my expectations. It was quite tight, showing each crevasse and curve of mine. The dress reached down, exposing cleavage and my back. It definitely made my legs look rather long and my tall figure stood out.

It made sense that Zayn had chosen this dress. Shrugging away my thoughts, I walked away from the closet and dug out my classic red flats. I don't need a heel (it's not like I can walk in them anyways).

My eyes flashed over to the wall-clock and my eyes almost bulge out of my head. It's already six thirty! Fucking hell, Zayn will be here soon!

I quickly ran into the bathroom and pulled out my makeup bag. I'm so screwed.

About fifteen minutes later, I was done with my makeup and hair. I had straightened my hair and applied a settle shade of red onto my lips, one which matched my flats. I liked the colour of red. It wasn't too bright nor was it too dark.

My eyes had mascara, some eyeliner along the waterline and a simple winged liner. Thankfully, I didn't fuck it the liner this time. I mean, it's my first-ever date. I have to look at least a little good.

I hope I don't look skanky. It's the first time I've attempted something like this. Will Zayn like the way I look?

Just then, a knock was heard from the bedroom door.



So I hope you liked this one! It's dedicated to @_phenominiall bc I really appreciate her comments. They basically sum me up.

Please vote and maybe leave a comment or two? I hope this year brings happiness into all of your lives. And I hope you get to hug your fav (unless it's my fav then back ofF!)

You all mean a lot to me and I wouldn't trade you for anything. Thank you.

~Maya xox.

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