~Chapter 30~

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When Andrew told us that he kìlled aunty Barbara, my heart dropped to my feet and I felt myself choke on the air I was breathing.

"What the fùck?" I uttered accidentally, causing everyone to look at me. "You can't be serious."

"Oh, I'm serious. I ran her over, right outside the café you work at. She was going to tell you that day." He looked me in the eyes, before blowing a puff of smoke. "But I'm sure you already knew that."

I clenched my jaw as the tears formed in my eyes. My throat got tight and my chest felt heavy once again, but I vowed to myself that I wouldn't cry. I can't, at least not in front of Andrew.

He kìlled my aunty Barbara. She was like my mother and I felt so close to her all these years. She treated me like her daughter and I was more than one hundred percent sure that Andrew put a stupid deal on her, so that she wouldn't tell anyone.

"Wanna know the best part?" Andrew continued, throwing his cigarette on the floor and crushing it with his foot. "Zayn knew again. I told him what I did, and that I wouldn't hesitate to run over his mum next."

I looked at Zayn with blurry eyes, only to see him clenching his fists and looking at me sorrowfully. The emotion in his eyes was so raw, he was so genuinely hurt and forced into doing what he did.

"I'm so sorry Rissa," Zayn croaked quietly. "I wanted to tell you but I couldn't. I really did."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded at Zayn from afar. "It's alright, Zayn. I understand why you couldn't tell me."

He took a few steps forwards until he was right in front of me. Andrew raised his brows in interest and kept back a smirk. Zayn cleared his throat and looked at me in the eyes.

"I was a shìt partner, Rissa. I really was and I'm so sorry for that." He whispered. "You've always been understanding. I love that about you."

I passed him a tight lipped smile and he strained out a smile, while stepping forward and embracing me in his arms.

I felt sheltered from the cold and I closed my eyes. Zayn was so stressed and all this time he was being forced to do something he didn't want to do. He squeezed me tight and I held him close.

Although Zayn and I never got along as soul-mates, I feel that we have a strong friendship. We deal with each other in our worst moments. He deals with my attitude, while I deal with his bossiness. But at the end of the day, I know that we still care for each other, even if it isn't in a romantic way. That makes me feel good.

"Thank you," I whispered in his ear.

"No, Rissa, thank you." He replied lowly, while pulling away.

We heard sudden slow clapping. I furrowed my eyebrows and shuddered, once Zayn pulled away completely. The wind slapped my bare skin viciously and I felt goosebumps rise on the back of my neck.

Andrew smirked and clapped slowly, "Wow. This is absolutely amazing."

"What do you want?" Zayn seethed angrily.

"This is so great, huh? Bad guy admits his wrongdoings, everyone apologizes and there's a happy ending?"

I clenched my teeth angrily, to avoid saying something out of anger.

"Yeah, there's gonna be a happy ending now, because we're leaving," Harry angrily stated before marching over to all of us. He came to a stop in front of me and his eyes flashed over my facial features. He gently placed his warm hand on the small of my back before guiding me away.

"Wait, wait," Andrew called behind us. "Who said that you're done?"

Harry paused, causing me to come to a halt too. He turned his head slowly and looked at Andrew in the eyes before saying, "I did. We're done with this."

"No, you aren't," Andrew walked up and pulled Harry back from the shoulder.

Harry jerked out of his grip and I felt myself let out a little scream when Zayn walked up and swung at Andrew's face, hitting him in the nose. Blood sputtered out of his nose and Zayn went at him again, hitting him straight in the jaw.

Andrew stumbled back and eventually fell, as Zayn got on him and threw yet another punch. In these few moments, I managed to find my voice. I ran to Harry and helped in pulling Zayn away from Andrew. Andrew was lying on the wet ground with blood smeared on his face.

"Zayn, stop!" I yelled pulling him away from his bicep.

He punched him again, "That's for kìlling aunty Barbara, and hurting Rissa's mum."

I screamed when Zayn swung again, hitting him once more. "That's for switching the bracelets."

Zayn swung again and I looked at Harry who was trying to pull Zayn away.

"Do something, please!" I yelled, terrified.

He punched again, "That one's for being an asshòle."

Zayn swung but Harry blocked him, causing him to miss. He was panting when Harry finally managed to pull him away.

"Zayn, calm down, mate." Harry spoke softly. "If the cops find out, your company and everything will suffer. Just calm down for a bit."

Zayn nodded, but his eyes were still fixated on Andrew, who was getting up and coughing vigorously. Zayn ran a hand through his hair frustratedly and sighed, looking away.

"Fùcking assholes," Andrew muttered as he fixed his wet collar. "All of you are fùcked in the head."

"We didn't ask for your life history, Andrew," Harry shot back, his face pulled into a grimace.

Despite being injured, Andrew let out a laugh.

"You know, even though that tool has the guts to hit me," he eyed Zayn before continuing, "He's still the richer one."

"Oh my fùck, are you seriously still bringing that up?" Zayn spat, during angrily. I noticed how his hair was wet and how he kept pushing it out of his face.

Andrew rolled his eyes, but continued. "May is still with Harry, but she needs to be with Zayn." He pretended to go into deep thought and the goosebumps rose on my arms as the rain poured harder.

"How will I change the partners and bracelets? You guys arent young enough for me to take them away from you." Andrew spoke slowly. And then a devious smirk fell upon his lips, making my blood run cold. "But, don't worry, I have another idea."

And suddenly, we heard the click of a gun.


AHHH omg I hope you liked that! thanks for always being so patient with me. I have the most loveliest readers.

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what do you think will happen next??? I love knowing your theories!

Big love,

~Maya. xox

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