2 - The boy by the lake

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"I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you."

Dear Draco
I wish I had the dignity to send this to you. But I dont, which means I'll have to burn it. What did I do wrong? Is it true what my father said? Am I the problem? Am I too weak to be your friend?
Love... Daisy.

I stare at the letters in my hands, four to be specific. I sigh, throwing them in the trash and looking over at the clock. It's five thirty, which means dinner starts in fifteen minutes. I wipe away a tear and look at myself in the mirror before walking out of my door. Few people are in the common room, and I sigh in relief, walking out in the corridor. If someone sees me, I look down, trying to hide my face for as long as possible. I'm weak.

"Watch where you are going, you shit." I look up seeing Mattheo Riddle in front of me. He is alone, with no Draco or Theo. He inspects my face, and my heart beats faster, my tears.

"Are you crying?" He asks, sounding both irritated and worried simultaneously, and I shake my head, hurrying away from him. I am not weak.


I stare at Daisy as she runs away from me, and I look at her in shock. She cried. She looked like she hadn't slept in days and her eyes were tired from tears. She looked broken. I know she lost Draco, but it was her fault. She used him, and he is my best friend.

"Hey mate," Theo walks up beside me, smiling at me.

"Hey," he stares at the empty corridor, just like I am, and then he turns to me, confused.

"What are you staring at?" I could tell him about Daisy, but it wouldn't make any difference. They would just make fun of me for even caring. Especially Draco. I didn't care about her; I wondered why she was crying.

"Nothing, I'm just a bit tired." He looks suspicious but shrugs it off as Draco joins us.

"What are you two doing just standing there? Come on. I want dinner." I sigh but join my friends on our way to the great hall. I wonder if Daisy is still there or if she skips it. For some reason, I really hope she didn't skip it.

She wasn't at dinner, so she either grabbed her food to go or skipped it. I shouldn't worry about it, but I do. Before summer, I wanted to get to know her. She was Draco's best friend, and she was this gorgeous girl that always made him smile. I wanted someone like her in my life. But then we found out the truth about her, and I just wanted to hate her for what she did to my best friend, but it was not easy. There's something about her that just makes her seem nice? It's hard imagining her as someone that would use Draco like that. But I will always pick my best friend's side, no matter what happens in the future. It's us against the world.


After running into Mattheo like that, I couldn't stay for dinner, so I ran. I ran down to the lake, and I cried for hours alone. I still dont know what I did wrong, but it must have been terrible since it made me lose the best thing I had. Draco was my only friend, and now I have nothing. I am weak.

"Is this seat taken?" I hear a voice say, and I look around, is he for real? We are on a beach, and there is no seat anywhere.

"No?" I ask, and he smiles at me. He has a Slytherin shirt which means we share the same house. I wonder why I haven't noticed him before, but I always spent time with Draco. It must be why.

"You are Daisy, arent you?" He sits beside me, and I nod slowly, looking out at the lake. It's dark outside, but it's not that cold.

"I'm not going to lie, I saw you cry earlier today, and I wanted to check on you. Not because I need to but because I want to." I smiled a little. That was nice of him.

"I'm sorry, I feel awful right now. What is your name?" He laughs a little and exchanges his hand-

"Adrian Pucey, but please just call me Adrian. A few people make fun of me for my last name." I'm sure they call him pussy or something, jerks.

"Nice to meet you, Adrian. I'm Daisy Scott," Adrian smiles at me and then hands me something wrapped in paper.

"Hungry?" Who is this guy, and why can he read my mind?

"Can you read my mind or something?" He shrugs and then takes a bite of his sandwich as I look down at mine. If it weren't for this guy, I would have skipped dinner tonight, which would have ended with me sleeping on an empty stomach.

"So tell me, Daisy, why are you out here alone?" He smiles a little, and I relax. He is not here to hurt me. He cares.

"It's a long story. I dont want to bother you." He shrugs and smiles.

"I have time. It's not like I have anything else to do." I smile, looking down at my feet, and then I tell him about my summer and Draco. It feels nice having someone to talk to, I have been holding it to myself for two months, and I dont have anyone to talk to at Hogwarts anymore. Adrian listens and looks sadly at me.

"He doesn't sound like a nice friend." I shrug. He was a fantastic friend. I was the one to do something wrong.

"Look, Daisy, you seem like a nice girl. I dont know you well, but you shouldn't blame yourself for this. I hear you have done nothing wrong, and Draco needs to solve his problems. Dont blame yourself for this, and you are not weak. I think you are strong." I look up at him, see him eat his sandwich, and genuinely smile.

"You think?" He nods.

"I dont really have any friends here. I'm in the quidditch team, but I'm too shy to say anything. If you would like, maybe we can sit with each other tomorrow? I dont want you to skip food because of those guys. And I would like to get to know you more." My eyes light up, and Adrian smiles at me. He wants to sit with me? He cares about me? Is this a joke? Is it all a part of Draco's plan to hurt me, or what is going on?

"Daisy, are you okay?" I look down, sighing.

"Did Draco ask you to do this?" He frowns, confused, and I feel stupid. Maybe I am overreacting.

"No? Why would he? To be honest, I have never exchanged a word with Malfoy or the other two." I nod slowly.

"So what do you say? Tomorrow at breakfast? It's getting late, and I think we both have early potions class." I nod, smiling faintly.

"I would love that." He stands up and exchanges his hand for me.

"Thanks," he smiles, and we walk back to the castle. I have a feeling we will become great friends, although my trust issues eat me from the inside.

Adrian seemed like a nice guy and cared about me enough to listen to my stupid life problems. No one apart from Draco has ever done that to me in my fourteen years alive. I think I'm going to give him a chance. It's better than being alone, right?

Hold on a minute. FIRST OF ALL, HI


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