46-birthday 2.0

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"And they sing happy birthday to you."

"She's your daughter," My mother screams, and my father's eyes get filled with so much hate I freeze.

"She's not my daughter. I wanted a son, not someone so weak she can't keep her away from mudbloods." My eyes are filled with tears.

"Father... I didn't mean to " He takes some steps towards me, his eyes staring at me.

"How dare you," I wait for his hand to hit me, but it doesn't. I feel my heart beating, and I'm sweating. It was a dream. It's all a dream. Mattheo holds me close to him.

"Hey, it's okay. It was just a dream," I panic, looking around the room to confirm my safety.

"Dais? What is going on?" He forces me to look at him, and I hold my tears

. "I-What happened?" I ask him, and he frowns.

"You had a nightmare, and you screamed. I tried to wake you, but I think you had a panic attack in your dream." He brushes his finger over my cheek, and I gulp. My father is not here.

"I have to call my mother," I lean for my phone, and Mattheo stops me.

"Daisy, what happened in this dream was just a dream. Your mother is safe and asleep. It's four am." I nod slowly, and he pulls me closer to him.

"I won't let anything happen to you. It's okay." I feel a tear rolling down my cheek.

"He told me I was useless, and he was he was going to hit me," I cry out, and Mattheo leaves a kiss on top of my head.

"I won't let him get to you again. I promise," he holds me, and I try to calm down.

"Dais... I knew you went through some stuff you dont want to talk about. But I mean it when I say I won't leave you. And if someone hurts you, I will do everything to stop it. Including hurting them." He plays with my hair as I calm down in his arms.

"I'm scared of what he can do," I whisper back, and I feel him nodding. His breath against my neck.

"He won't do anything as long as we are around. I hope you know that." I stay quiet for a moment before I nod. I do trust the guys.

"You still have three more hours before we have to wake up. Do you want to try and get some sleep? We can watch a movie or read a book if not." I look up, forcing a smile.

"We need sleep. I'll be okay." He smiles a little, pulling me even closer.

"I know you will. You're the strongest person I know." I lean into kiss him before laying back down and closing my eyes. I'm slowly falling asleep when I feel something jump on the bed, and I sit up. Mattheo sits up with me.

"Hey... It's just sprinkles. Dais, are you sure you dont want to talk about this? Your trauma has become-"

"I'm fine. I just want to forget about it." I nod, and Mattheo looks suspicious. He wants me to open up about it more than I have. Sprinkles knows when I'm sad, she lays down over my legs, and I feel myself relaxing. I have my cat and boyfriend. Nothing can happen to me.

"Thank you..." I yawn as I say it before falling back asleep on his chest.


"Happy birthday," we all walk into the common room where Theo's birthday is being held, and Theo smiles huge. All of these people are here for him, no one else.

"Thanks for coming, everyone." He smiles shyly before the music turns on, and I smile as he talks to the people around us.

"I'm getting a drink. Anyone wants something?"

Wrong lies -M.R, D.M, T.NWhere stories live. Discover now