18 -Drunk mistakes

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"If I woke up with you in the morning. I'd forget all the ways that we're broken."

I feel stronger than ever before. I feel happy, and no one can take that away from me. It's my life now. I decide what happens in it and what I will be sad about. The boys aren't as annoying anymore, so they aren't bullying me. Dont get me wrong, they are not friendly, and they are not even looking at me. They are ignoring me as much as I am ignoring them. I'm not sure what happened, but something did happen, and I'm very fucking thankful for it. It's a party tonight, and I have decided that I won't give a fuck about what others think about me. At every party, two people have tried to kick me out or ruin it for me. Well, this party won't happen, I won't care if someone stares at my body, and I won't give a fuck if pansy Parkinson spills her drink over me. Because I will have fun and I will look hot.

"This is not enough. I need something more revealing." I say as I go through my clothes wardrobe, and Adrian sighs on my bed. You were wrong if you thought something would change between Adrian and me these two months. He is still my best friend. Hell, he is more like a brother to me. He means everything and was there for me when no one else was. He hasn't left my side since that day by the lake, and I will never be able to thank him enough. I would do anything for him.

"Dais, you look beautiful. Dont change anything." I stare at him, irritated. I wear jeans and a top, this is not hot enough for tonight. I need something tight and hot like a dress or a skirt. "It's not enough," he looks disappointed at me.

"Who are you trying to look good for? Is there something I dont know about?" Maybe? No, it's not. And I dont need attention from anyone to know I will look good tonight. I just want to feel good for once, and I want to fit in at that party. Maybe they dont notice me if I do? "Look, Ad, I love you, and you are the nicest person I know. But this is not hot." I point at my outfit, and he shrugs.

"I mean, it's cute?" He tries, and I shake my head.

"It's not what I was trying for." He sighs and walks over to my clothes.

"This one?" He picks out a short green silk dress. Oh my, I forgot that I had that one.

"It's perfect. When did you get a such good taste?" He shrugs.

"I spend too much time with you:" he tries to look annoyed, but I smirk back.

"You love it," he smiles.

"Put it on now. I'll be in the bathroom." He walks out, and I sigh, putting it on. It's perfect, exactly what I was trying for. Tonight will be perfect, and nothing or no one will be able to ruin it. Adrian walks out of the bathroom staring at me.

"Cute, no, I mean hot?" I smile.

"Take a shot with me," I hold up the bottle, and he grins.

"Gladly." I take a shot and then hand him the bottle.

"Let's go have some fun,"

The room is filled with people. I have never seen this many people here before. Maybe it's the alcohol that makes me think this way since I have had a lot. Perhaps a bit too much, but I couldn't care less at this point. I dance with a boy, I know what you think. That didn't end well last time. Well, honestly, I dont give a fuck. He smirks down at me. Do I know this guy? I feel like I know him. I'm not sure if I would notice Adrian at this point. Talking about him, where is he, and why hasn't he saved me from this yet?

"You look gorgeous tonight. I like the dress." He touches me slightly, and I feel like heaven. His touch makes me feel different, like butterflies in my body. Is it the alcohol, or is this how horny people think?

"Well, I hoped someone would like it," I bite my lip and his lips come closer to my face.

"I bet it looks good off too." Oh, hell, something changes in me. I see red, maybe even maroon, at this point. His hands travel down my body and towards my ass.

"You dont have a boyfriend, do you?" I shake my head, staring into his eyes. Where do I know him from?

"As single as ever," I whisper, and he chuckles, his breath against my lips.

"Then it's okay if I do this," he whispers before his lips touch mine, and I freeze for a moment before kissing him back.

"Fuck," he whispers, and I push myself closer to him, feeling his crotch towards my weak spot. His tongue fights mine as he pushes me up against a wall and my hands travel up to his hair. It's soft, and he begins to leave kisses down my neck. A sweet moan escapes my lips, and it feels like fucking heaven. I have never felt this way before.

A soft moan leaves her lips, and I can't fucking help myself anymore. It feels like heaven. Her skin feels like a god itself. And her goddamn lips. I haven't even thought about asking her name, but it's probably gorgeous too. My hands travel down to her ass again, and I grab it, hearing a moan leave her lips again. Fuck, I'm stone-hard right now.

"Why dont we take this to my dorm?" I whisper into her ear, and she nods quickly before I grab her hand and lead her towards my dorm. As we enter it, I push her up against the wall.

"Fuck, you have no idea what you are doing to me right now."

I groan, and she chuckles. "I can feel it," I grin against her neck before I reunite our lips. Fucking fuck is this the way I'm going to die? It sure feels that way.

"I need-" she moans, and I stare at her.

"What do you need, darling?" She breathes fast, and I reunite our lips again.

"Something, you. Just do something." I grin and take her over to my bed. I thought she would never ask. She takes her dress off as I take off my clothes and stares at my body, biting her lip. She is only in her underwear on my bed, and I take in sight.

"Are you okay with this?" She nods, and I lean down on my knees, smirking up at her before leaving kisses over her weak spot.

D A I S Y 
I wake up, feeling someone holding me from behind, and I blink a few times before noticing I'm not in my room anymore. I'm in a guy's room, and I know this isn't Adrian's. I look down at my body. I'm naked. Memories from the night before come back, and I turn around, feeling my heart drop. Oh my god... I jump up from the bed. Where are my clothes? I find my dress on the floor, and I hear someone groan.

"What are you doing?" He mumbles, sitting on his bed, and as I turn to face him, his eyes look shocked.

"Daisy?" I shake my head.

"I was drunk, fuck uh. Have you seen my bra?" I ask, and he looks around the room, pointing at something under his bed.

"What the fuck happened?" He asks, and I feel my heart beating fast as ever. What the fuck have I done. I slept with the guy who ruined my life. His father killed Cedric.

"I didn't know it was you, and I was drunk. I'm sorry- we shouldn't have-" I put on my clothes, and he stares at me with cold eyes.

"Get out, it was a mistake, and it won't happen again. Fuck, it's all your fault, touching me with those useless hands." I stare at him in shock, feeling my heart in my throat. Excuse me?

"I said get the fuck out." He says coldly, and I open the door before running out. I just lost my virginity to someone who ruined my life when I was drunk. I wipe away a tear before closing my door and leaning against it. What the fuck did I just do?

And that's people is how I met your mother

Wrong lies -M.R, D.M, T.NWhere stories live. Discover now