50- Moving in together

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"And I saw some things they can't take away."

"So this is our future home, huh?" We all stand in the hallway of the Malfoy manor with bags in our hands. Staring at the huge house where we will spend the next part of our life together. We dont even know how long we will live here, but it will be a while.

"I'm so excited, oh my god. Let's go and pick some rooms." Theo drops his bags and runs up the stairs, and a smile takes place on my lips.

"I guess we should run after. This is fight or die." Draco chuckles before running up the stairs after his best friend.

"You are awfully quiet today, darling. Is something wrong?" Mattheo holds me from behind, and I shake my head, looking up at him.

"I have cramps," he lets go of me.

"What? Oh, fuck, Dais. I didn't know that. Are you okay?" I shrug, holding up my pills for him and biting my cheek. My period cramps are fucking terrible, and I want to lie down and cry, but I wouldn't miss this day for anything.

"Do you want to go back home? We can fix this, and you can-"

"I want to be here, this is our future, and I really want to be a part of this moment. And besides, you are not going to fix our room." He smiles faintly, leaning down to kiss my lips before rubbing my belly.

"Be fucking nice to my girlfriend, or I will have a terrible day." He looks down at it, and I can't help but chuckle.

"You are talking to it like it's a baby." He smirks a little, "maybe it is." I quickly shake my head.

"Nope, no baby here yet. That's a good thing, right?" He smiles.

"Yeah, we should wait for a little before making a mini Daisy." I smile but shake my head after a while. A mini Daisy?

"Why not a mini you?" His smile drops a little. I know how Mattheo felt about starting a family before he met me. Actually, it didn't exist for him. So the thought of having a mini him kinda freaks him out. I understand, but I wouldn't want anything more than to see his strength and looks in a baby in the future. I love him, so a mini him would be double the love.

"We should make sure our friends give us the biggest room. I mean, we are two people. They are single loners." He grabs my hand.

"Theo has a girlfriend, you know?" He smiles back at me.

"I dont see her living here? And besides, I dont want our best friends to hear you come every night." A red shade takes place on my lips, fucking hell.

"You are right," Theo runs out of the room with a massive smile.

"Oh my god, this is amazing." He jumps up and down, and I can't help but smile even though a terrible cramp occurs in my body.

"Hey, please dont kill my hand." Mattheo chuckles a little, and I look up. Noticing how hard im squishing it.

"Sorry..." I let go of it, and Theo stares at me.

"Are you in pain?" He walks over to us by the stairs, hugging me.

"If you are scared of ghosts, I can promise you the three of us will protect you from every ghost living here. Okay?" He lets go of me, smiling a little.

"She has cramps," Mattheo adds, and Theo looks between us and then back at me.

"Oh? What are you doing here? Come on. Let's get you to bed," I shake my head.

"No, I want to-fuck. I'm not letting you three fix this manor without my permission." Draco walks out of the room with a frown on his face.

"You dont think we can fix this? It's going to look great." He takes something out of his pocket before throwing it at me, and I lean down to grab it. Chocolate.

Wrong lies -M.R, D.M, T.NWhere stories live. Discover now