48- ELLA

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"They got no idea. About me and you."

"Sup hoes," I slide into the booth where my three best friends are sitting. Theo looks nervous, and the two dickheads I adore are giving me glares.

"Good to see you too, boyfriend." I add before leaning in to kiss his cheek. They continue to give me glares.

"Feels like I haven't seen you guys for days. Oh wait, I fucking haven't." I fake a smile, and Theo waves a little, smiling.

"Hi, bubs," I say to him, ignoring the bitches around me.

"Hi, love," a smile takes place on my lips. You might wonder why the guys are acting like this? Oh, I know why.

"It's a gorgeous day, dont you think?" Draco shakes his head.

"I dont like new people," he says, and I roll my eyes.

"And I care because?" I invited Ella to hang out with us today, and let's just say Draco and Mattheo aren't the biggest fans of my idea.

"Can't you tell her that we haven't seen you for three days and that we-"

"Nope, it's this or no Daisy at all," I turn to face Mattheo by my side, and he sucks in his lip?

"Ah fuck it," he leans down to kiss my lips, and I smile.

"You weak bastard, we made a deal," Draco looks annoyed at Mattheo, and I smirk.

"What the fuck was I supposed to do? She is my girlfriend, and fucking look at her. She wears my shirt to tease me." I nod, looking proud, and Draco glares at me.

"I hate how you have us around your finger," he takes a sip of his beer, and I lean against Mattheo.

"How's your mom?" He looks down at me, smiling a little.

"She's good,"

"And how's therapy going?" The therapy they forced me into, its nice.

"Cool," I smile, but he won't accept my answer.

"Nightmares?" I shrug. I haven't had many nightmares, mostly because I've been with my mother.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asks again, really looking at me this time. I smile, nodding, and he leaves a kiss on top of my head.

"Proud of you, darling," my smile grows, and I realise how much I have missed him these few days.

"Honestly, I love you two more than I dont know what. But you make me want to kill myself," Draco looks disgusted. The only single one at the moment, or Theo is single. Just not for very long. Draco's eyes inspect Mattheo and me before he rolls them.

"So why did you even invite Ella?" Mattheo asks me, trying to sound interested, but he just wants to know if he can escape this date.

"Because she is cool, Theo likes her, and I need a friend." I take a sip of the drink Mattheo ordered, and the guys stare at me. Theo is awfully quiet. Honestly, dont think I have ever heard him this quiet before. He must be very nervous.

"You have us? What else do you need?" The list began in my head, but I decided to keep my mouth shut.

"I just dont think-" Draco doesn't have the time to say much more as a blonde girl shows up by our booth.

"Hey?..." I immediately smile, standing up and offering a hug.

"Hey, I'm so glad you could come." She hugs me back before smiling a little. Nervous and so fucking cute. I look around the booth over the guys, Theo looks so scared, and the other guys look like they want to die.

Wrong lies -M.R, D.M, T.NTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang