32 - Pop quiz

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You go to class scared

A few days have passed since my first meeting with the boys, and I have grown closer to them each day. More like they follow me and act annoying, and I try my best not to punch them in the face. But they make me laugh, so I guess it works.

"Psst, Dais." I avoid Theo's voice and focus on my classwork. I have to fucking pass this. But I forgot some things in my dorm this morning. And now I'm here, supposed to write in my book, but I have no pen.

"Dais," Theo whispers/sings, and I groan, staring over at him.

"What?" I whisper back, and he smiles his original smile. Oh, fucking, dont give me that gaze. I can't be mad at that face.

"Do you have a pen I can borrow?" Is he fucking for real right now? Would I be sitting here, staring out of nowhere, if I had a pen?

"Does it look like I have a pen?" He looks down at my blank paper and sucks it on his lips.

"No... But I thought you were bored and didn't want to study." I give him a "are you for real" look, and he just smiles.

"I dont have one. Ask Dray," he nods slowly.

"Dray," his singing voice is back, and both of the guys in front of us turn to face us.

"What the fuck Daisy? You haven't done jack shit." Draco stares at my paper, and I shrug.

"I dont have a pen," he groans and gives me a pen, and Theo glares at me.

"I was supposed to ask for that. Do you have one more?" Draco rolls his eyes and turns back around, and I chuckle. Mattheo smiles at me, and I feel my cheeks heat up.

"I bloody hate all of you," Theo tries to sound mad, but it only makes him look cuter.

"Hey, Theo?" He stares at me, trying to look irritated, but my smile breaks it.

"Do you want to work together? We can write each question." A smile takes place on his lips as he jumps closer to me and grabs my book.

"Do you understand the questions?" It's potions. What the fuck does he think.

"I think its blood," all of the guys turn around to face me with amused faces.

"Blood?" I shrug.

"I mean, if I made love potions, I would combine it with the blood of a loved one." It sounds good to me, but the guys only shake their heads.

"Dais, you can't use blood in love potions. It will affect the people you are trying it on, and the original blood will poison them instead." I suck in my lip. Oops, that sounds terrible.

"Have you made a love potion with blood?" Mattheo asks me, and I give him an annoyed look.

"Yeah, used it on you." The other guys laugh, and I shrug.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know all these things?" I groan and lean back, and the guys stay quiet.

"It's in the book?" Draco tries, and I lean my head against my hands. I hate the book. I dont know what it is, but I can't read it.

"Hey, it's okay. We will help you pass." Theo hugs me from behind, and I smile a bit.

"Have you read the book?" Draco asks me, and I nod.

"I have tried. But every time I try to read it, the words don't make sense, and I can't seem to put it together." The guys nods.

"Is it like that in other classes too?" Mattheo asks me, and I shrug.

"Maybe? Most classes don't have books, and I'm already good at astronomy, so the things I read make sense, and I know most of it from before." It's true. I could probably be a teacher in astronomy.

"Maybe you have problems with reading?" I shake my head.

"I read all the time," they all nod. I always have a book in my hand. I can read, just not potions.

"Maybe the concentration is the problem? You give up too easily, and you obviously dont like potions." I roll my eyes.

"I wonder why," the guys stay quiet, feeling embarrassed. But hey? At least I have the power now.

"Sorry," Theo whispers, and I smile a bit.

"Why dont we help you study later. We can have a pop quiz about it. It will make it more fun," Theo asks, and I nod.

"Studying potions in my free time? Do you guys understand the things I can do at that time?" I look at Mattheo, who smirks. Fucking dirty mind.

"Fuck off, Riddle," he chuckles.

"So, are you in?" Draco asks, and I nod.

"I guess I dont have a choice." They turn back to work, and Theo helps me with the questions. Adrian smiles at me from the other side of the classroom, and I wave.

"He seems like a good friend," Theo smiles at me, and I nod.

"Yeah, he was there when no one else was." He looks down and then up at me with sad eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks, and I smile, nodding slowly.

"Yeah, I'm okay." He nods before going back to work.


"Pop quiz time," Theo jumps in my bed with popcorn, and I roll my eyes. Time for hell.

"Oh, come on, Dais, it's not that hard." Try failing every test for years. Mattheo smiles at me, pointing at his lap, and I groan before lying down with him.

"First question, is worth one popcorn," Theo says, holding up one, and I glare at him. Be for real.

"Okay, one hand full of popcorn," better.

"Ready?" I nod, and Mattheo plays with my hair.

"Which potion gives good luck?" Oh, I know this one.

"Felix Flitwick", they all look around at each other.

"You are close, but it wouldn't give you a point." I groan, and he shows me the correct answer. I had the first name.

"Okay, darling, What is the name of the ingredient that comes from a goat's stomach and can act as an antidote to poisons?" I look up at him with a confused face.

"English, please?" They all laugh, and I try to hide my face in Mattheo's chest.

"Oh, come on, Dais, you know this." Theo smiles at me, and I try to think of the answer. Maybe I do know this?

"Bezoar?" Draco smiles, and Theo throws popcorn all over me.

"Theo!" I sit up in shock, and he stares at me nervously.

"Sorry... I got excited," he scratches his neck, and I shake my head. The questions go on, and I know more than I think. And the questions I didn't know before are now stuck in my brain, thanks to the guys.

"I'm seeing Daph now. Love you all." Theo jumps out of bed, and I smile.

"Use protection," he rolls his eyes before leaving.

"I have a tutoring thing now. Text me later if you want to hang out," Draco smiles, and I nod. Leaning against Mattheo.

"I will. Good luck." He smiles before leaving, and I sigh.

"I fucking hate potions," Mattheo chuckles as I try to lean closer to him.

"I dont think you can get closer than that, darling." I look up at him.

"Well, that fucking sucks." He smirks, reunites our lips, and pulls me down as he leans over me. Well, isn't this a good price?

I fucking loved writing this chapter

Wrong lies -M.R, D.M, T.NTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang