36- Summer in France

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I've been drinking
And staying up too late reliving bad decisions

It's been two weeks since the summer came, and we all left Hogwarts for our last summer break. It felt empty, leaving it somehow. This year has been crazy, but in a good way. I never thought I would get to know the guys again, but I'm so glad I got that chance. My phone lights up, and I smile to myself.

"Theo," I say happily when I answer, and I hear a chuckle from the other side.

"Hey, do you hear me? I have never used this function before, but I wanted to hear your voice." I smile, hearing his happy voice. I didn't think I would trust the guys again after what they did, but Theo became my twin soul fast. We take out the good in each other, and we always make each other laugh. Even though we love having sunlight and rainbows, we also have our deep talks, which I greatly appreciate. Especially since it always ends with us laughing anyway.

"How're things back in England? I miss you," I hear him chuckle before he becomes silent.

"It's good. Have you talked to Mattheo lately?" He asks in a serious tone, and I stay quiet for a minute. I text him daily, but he acts cold when he answers, so I have tried to give him some space.

"I have. His behaviour in the group chat was pretty... Weird to me," Theo sighs.

"Look, I have known Mattheo my whole life. But I have to be team Daisy in this. You are my girly, and he should know better than to be jealous of some guy." I nod but then remember that he can't see me.

"I know. So how is your summer? Any news I should know about?" I ask, hoping he will come with good news.

"Nothing new. Oh, look, the guys are here. Say hi to Daisy," I hear many boy voices before Draco's familiar voice is heard on the phone.

"Hi, how's France? Theo, this isn't working." The phone makes a lot of noise before Mattheo's voice curses.

"Hi? Are you sure this is her? She's reticent." I chuckle when Draco says,

"I told you,"

"It's me, I think." There was silence on the other line, and I think they hung up on me for a second.

"I miss you, is everything okay over there?" I smile at myself.

"Everything is good. I miss you-"

"hey princess, we are heading to the beach. Are you coming," Leo walks into the room, and I hear the line become silent again?

"Oh, yeah. I will be there," he smiles before walking out.

"Who was that?" Mattheo asks, and I feel my heart become heavy. I understand that the situation might be weird for him, but if he knew the truth and listened to me, he would know that Leo and I are far from interested in each other. Especially after he fucked my cousin yesterday and is super gay.

"That was Leo. I miss you guys. Text me later," I hear them answer simultaneously, so it all sounds like a blur, but I smile before hanging up. Maybe I should just be clear with Mattheo about Leo, but at the same time, our relationship is new. He should trust me more than thinking I'm cheating with the first guy I'm alone with. especially when I tell him it's nothing. It's all up to him now. I know the truth. I trust him. Even though I have my reasons not to. I sigh before putting on my bikini and running downstairs.

"Was that your boyfriend you were talking to?" Leo smirks as I walk down, and I shake my head.

"I mean, yeah, but I spoke to all of them. God, you would love Theo. Both of you." My cousin sam smiles at me.

Wrong lies -M.R, D.M, T.NDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora