3 - Library session

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"The jokes weren't funny."

Dear Diary,
It's been two months since I came to Hogwarts, and life is a living hell. Draco is ignoring me, but I wish it stayed that way. He and his new friend Theo and Mattheo make fun of me daily. Yesterday they spilt coffee all over me. I cried for hours. Not only because it was hot and I got burned but because I was humiliated. I dont know what I did wrong, but I wish I could escape this world. I hate it.
If it weren't for Adrian, I would have left weeks ago. He is my only friend. He is nice, and he stands up for me. I dont know what I did wrong... I hope I one day find out.

"Dais," Adrian smiles and sits down beside me.

"Hey Adrian," he looks down at my diary and smiles faintly.

"I didn't miss anything, did I? If they hurt you or-"

"I am fine. I haven't seen them this morning." He nods and takes some food off his plate.

"Do you want to come with me to quidditch later today?" He smiles a little, and I gulp. Draco and Theo play quidditch in Adrian's team, so I would have to face them if I went there.

"Hey, dont worry. It's not a regular practice. They won't be there. You know Diggory?" I nod slowly. Cedric Diggory might be Hogwarts' most popular guy regarding girls. Not that I have a thing for him.

"Well, he invited me there. It's just a few more guys and me. There is no way Malfoy and his boys would show up at a Hufflepuff event." He eats his food, and I nod slowly. He is right. Draco hates the Hufflepuff house. He would never play quidditch with them as long as he didn't have to.

"What time is it?"

"Four. Come on. It will be fun." He smiles, and I do the same.

"I will be there."

Later that day, I found myself walking through the corridor alone. I have to get a book from the library without walking into another Slytherin student. I'm not that popular after what happened with Draco. Not that many people liked me before. But now I'm hated by the whole house, except Adrian and maybe Marcus, his quidditch friend. The library is usually empty at this time, but today I was unlucky.

"The library is booked for now," Draco's voice says without meeting my eyes, and I grow irritated. Booked? Everyone knows that you can't book the school's library, it's for everyone.

"You can't book the library, Malfoy," I mumble, and he looks up at me in shock. It was the first time I had spoken back to him since the train ride, and he must have been shocked that I had actually said something. I feel proud of myself as I walk toward the shelf where my book is supposed to be.

"Trying to find a book?" Theo says with a cheerful voice, and I stare at him in shock, is he nice? I look around, seeing Draco and Mattheo grinning, and I understand it wasn't the case. They have something planned.

"I'm fine, thank you," I mumble and search for the book, but Theo is quicker than me.

"This one?" He holds the exact book I was looking for in his hands, and I try to grab it from him, but he only pulls it back away.

"Uh uh, that's not how this work." I look toward Draco, hoping maybe he will change his mind and give me the book back, but he dont. He only grins at me like this was the best day of his life. He loves to see me suffer. I wonder what changed.

"How about we make a deal?" I shake my head. I dont make deals with the devil.

"You give me your notes for tomorrow's test, and I'll give you your book?" I look down, I have been working on my notes for weeks, and I'm supposed to study with Adrian tonight. If I give him my notes, I will fail that test. But I also need this book to complete a project for tomorrow which is much more important than the test. Pick one, Daisy.

"Fine, here." I hand him the notes, and he stares at them in shock. He probably didn't expect me to be smart at all.

"The book?" I ask, and he looks at me with a smirk.

"Oh, this?" I nod, and he shrugs before doing something I should have known he would do.

"Incendio," the book burns to ashes in front of me, and my heart drops. The boys laugh, and Theo walks away from me as I stare at the ash in shock.

"Why are you doing this to me? What did I do to you?" I stare at Draco with tears in my eyes, and he looks at me in shock for a moment, not saying anything. Theo and Mattheo only laugh, rolling their eyes.

"Shouldn't you know that? Dont play innocent," Theo snorts back, and I stare at him in shock. Dont play innocent? I did nothing to him. Why would I play innocent?

"I hope you had your fun. Just leave me alone." I walk out of the library, trying to hold back my tears as I walk into someone with a hard chest.

"Dais?" Adrian's voice asks me, and I look down.

"Hey? What happened?" I shrug. I did not want to tell him about the book or notes, mostly because I was ashamed that I had fallen for it.

"Do you want to go and buy ice cream?" He asks, and I look up at him, he forces a smile, and I sigh.

"Yeah, I would like that." He grabs my hand, and I relax, feeling his grip on my hand. I feel safer around him but like a loser when he's not around. A weak loser and I know my dad would think the same.


"You dont think that was a bit too much? She needed that book." Mattheo says as Daisy walks out crying, and I try to breathe to get this shitty feeling out of my chest.

I feel awful and have wanted to let go of everything and pretend that I hate her. But it's hard. I have no reason to hate her, but I have to. I'm supposed to be a death eater, and I can't drag her into this kind of stuff if she gets hurt because of me? I would hate myself for the rest of my life. And I have to move on and not feel this way about her. I can't; it's not working and dangerous for both of us. Especially since the dark lord can now read my mind. I have to move on. I have to forget about her. And the only way to do so is to hate her.


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