Careful What You Wish For

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June 12th

I can't wait to talk to Mum! I can't tell her much, but hope she'll get my hints. We've talked about finding self-sustaining cave systems on Earth and other planets. Nerds, I know, but it's us. Anything is possible. I sometimes think she just likes encouraging me and seeing my excitement.

We go on adventures twice a year. Learning and discovering amazing things about our world is something we share. It could be as simple as finding meteorites, fossils, and past relics, or pushing further into an area that hasn't been charted. Mum has claustrophobia and doesn't do tight caves or diving.

Almost 10 PM. Mum should be ringing any minute. I need to connect quickly. If I don't ring her at 9:30, she calls at 10. I open my video chat and answer the incoming call. I should have looked first. Big Mistake.

"Babe! Where are you? I'm so sorry. Please come home." The balls on this, this JERK! Does he think I'll fall for his pathetic fake begging? Give me a break. I'm getting better at not cursing since being away from him... So far. "Please babe, I miss you."

"Uh, yeah. You missed me sooooo much after screwing that tramp, you married my ex-best friend? Tell me something. Did you need a 2×4 for her too? I know how much she likes fisting." My edit button is broken. I haveth no Fs to giveth. "Can she even feel your little, and good heavens do I mean liiittle," I use the 'tiny' gesture, "thing?" Yeah, probably mean and petty, but I'm done. Besides, I didn't fall for his 3" thing.

"God dammit!" Oopsie hit his sore spot.

"Hey, you really shouldn't take the Lord's name in vain."

"Will you just..." He tries controlling his anger, "please? I want to marry you. Just come home." My heart. During this whole interaction, I've been slipping back into that numb body, the hole in my chest opening back up. It's happening all over again.



"You heard me. I said no. You don't love me. You just want money. You've never loved me." It hurts more to say it than I thought it would.

"Please, babe, I just..."


"Dammit, Give Me My Fucking Money Bitch!"

"And there it is." I laugh humorlessly. I don't know what else to do. He keeps screaming and cursing. How did I ever love this monster?

"You WILL give me my God damned money back bitch. My lawyer is already filing against you." Oh really?

"Yeah, what lawyer?" He's bluffing. He thinks I'm too stupid to know better and fight back. I've never fought back.

"Foley, my family's lawyer of course." He puffs out his weak chest trying to look big and bad. Like he could intimidate me. I know for a fact Mr. Foley dropped him. I have a knowing grin and humorlessly laugh. I'm irritating him.

"You're incredible. I don't mean that in a good way either. You don't have the money to retain his services and since I'm his client, there's no way your empty threats will hurt me." He turns red. My face turns into an emotionless mask.

The longer I'm silent, the redder and angrier he gets. His screaming, insults, cursing, and threats get louder. The chamber echoes with his temper tantrum. The whole team is watching, angry. I'm getting ready to hang up and block him when his next words completely break me.

"...the baby. How are we going to take care of our baby if you're being such a selfish conniving bitch! Jenny only has 3 months left. What then? And now my damned wife is pregnant too. I want MY Fucking Money to take care of MY Fucking Family! How am I supposed to do that now, huh? I deserve that money, I earned it, it's MINE!" I look into the screen and cọck my head to the side.

The Wish of a Broken HeartWhere stories live. Discover now