Ay, Ay, Ay, Ay...

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Mik’Oriella 26th


A sharp smack to my left cheek wakes me up. I glare up into the faces of my exhausted sáry, our vanit’a Ash’A Jheili, and neteru. I groan. I know this look. Something happened, and it isn’t good.


“Someone went into a zadýrint haĵesik last evening. It attracted all unattached dehin to our tent. Many were subdued, some injured.” I curse. This is bad. “It stopped suddenly a few minutes ago. We have questioned every zadýrint on the hara. They sensed it. Couples found themselves in a frenzy, dehin focused on our tent, vanit’a subdued, and helped protect us.”

“What in Helííme? Check our people, no matter the race, check them. Someone’s mixed blood may have come forward.”

“It will be done.” The Ash’A Jheili and neteru leave.

“How is she? May I check her?” Ana’s worried look at Cara makes me switch gears. I look at her, sleeping gently. “I’m sorry, saho, for the slap. You wouldn’t wake up.”

“It’s fine sáry. I’ve forgotten how strong you are. Please, see her. She’s sleeping so well.” Ana sits by Cara and let’s her heka flow over her. A smile appears after a few minutes of scanning her chest. She continues downward, stopping in surprise over her abdomen. Her eyes bulge in surprise as she looks at me. I nod and smile.

“I’m getting Kaenaék. Take her to the exam room.” She gets up after kissing Cara’s cheek and rushes off with an excited squeal. I chuckle. She’s adorable.

“Cara.” I kiss her forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, and lips to wake her. She doesn’t move. “Ti’kúe, come now. We need to have you checked.” Nothing. “I’ll have java.” Still, nothing. “Cara? Cara vusa. Vusa ti’miti.” She is still.

I quickly lift her, wrapping her in her cape after throwing a pair of pajama pants on. I ran to the exam room, scaring those preparing, and gently lay her on the table. Kaenaék and Ana enter. With one look, they sigh.

“She was just healed a great deal, Inkosi. She does this often. Please calm yourself.”

“I, I know. I should know. I just… she’s… and they…” Ana pulls me into a hug and purrs to calm me. I always panic. We don’t normally let others see, but after yesterday and knowing there’s more than one nanú… my worry has increased. She makes me drink calming tea while Kaenaék and the team examine my little family.

“Oh my ancestors! Congratulations, Inkosi, this is a first for the reveníre.” I look at him curiously. “Inkássa Cara carries three nanú. All healthy."

"Apologies for the interruption. Tu’sí Ana,  we found those responsible. They’re in the seating area waiting." For an Ash’A Jheili, she looks nervous.

"I'm coming. Congratulations, saho!" She kisses my cheek and marches out of the room.

"Someone’s gonna get it." Lía sings while swinging her feet back and forth on her stool. "I learned that from Aya Liz." She gives us an evil little smile. She's definitely related.

"Kaenaék, why isn't she waking yet? Did the healing harm her?"

"She is fine, just sleeping. It may be a few days, so we will have her set with fluids. We need to leave quickly to heal her more. The nanú will be a strain on her. The stronger she can get, the better it will be for them all.”

The vanit’a carefully take her to bathe and I head to our little kitchen to make the strongest cup of java I can manage. It’s going to be a long day. I look to the seating area and see Ana scolding three dehin and Amanda.

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