Celebrate Life

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Dagdh’a’vaní 6th


The party is finally starting! It came together so fast! I can’t believe how badaṣs they are when it comes to having a party. Trolls take parties seriously. They could make a fortune on Earth as last-minute planners. I haven’t been to a decent party in years. I’m so amped!

The tailors (saucíka) have used bolts of cloth like streamers. The people with magic created tiny lights like twinkling fairy lights. Jorg and his people have created an amazing feast from meat they gathered while we were getting the girls ready and the things we foraged. Funny, no one will tell me what the meat is. One smells amazing!

They baked a beautiful three tiered cake and cupcakes. Candied flowers, fruits, and colored chocolate truffles decorate it. Instead of frosting, they’ve covered it with silky honeyed chocolate. It looks like a work of art.

Heida made candles for everyone who has had a birthday since they left. They were fascinated by our tradition of blowing out candles for a birthday wish. Tavi wants us to wait until their midnight to have everyone blow their candles out. Something about being on the cusp of days being good luck and bringing blessings from both days? I think it’s sweet.

There’s a slightly raised area set up for royals and the leaders of the human soldiers. They’re called “honor” tables. Two tables are set in front of those to either side for the birthday people. I think that setup is silly, but I guess it’s whatever. The other tables are set further away on either side of the clearing. It creates an aisle leading to the stage.

The wagons are set up like walls to block the wind. The food is on the right and a small makeshift stage to the left. I wonder what the stage is for? People start filling out the regular tables. I’m sitting at the “honor” tables. Mum always said I was a royal pain. They just call me a royal here.

A few other people than the girls have had a birthday, especially with the Ash’AJheili. Most of the Ash’A Jheili aren’t considered part of our normal group. Tavi had to insist the ones who had a birthday join in. The others have taken up patrolling with a few of the soldiers. Most of the soldiers welcomed the break. They’ve been working for three weeks! The Ash’A Jheili were just going to use the surveillance drones but can’t with humans around.

We’re waiting for everyone to sit so the birthday boys and girls can come in. We planned to have them enter like a bride coming down the aisle. Lía and a few others take the stage. She takes a deep breath, and a voice that could rival Brandi and Whitney Houston erupts from her tiny body.

“Holy Heavens!” The Captain exclaims. I turn and nod my agreement. Her song is sweet. It’s about the gifts we’re given from being part of life, the unlimited potential and possibilities we hold, and the magic we hold in ourselves and this world. It is a story of birth and life. Not all the words are translating for me. Thankfully, Ana is whispering them to us.

I expected the birthday people to come down the aisle like in a wedding. Slow and serious. No. They danced, performed tricks, and showed off alone or in small groups of 2-3. It was fun! These kids have skills! Each of them is introduced with their current age and birthday.

One of the pregnant women was danced down the aisle by her husband, mate, whatever they call their other half. They’re so sweet and remind me of Greg. He used to dance me around the kitchen while shopping, anywhere he felt. I struggle to smile and feel tears pricking my eyes. Ana and Tavi hug me at the same time. I nod and let out a weird, quiet sob laugh. Taking a deep breath, I center myself. Tavi stands.

“Friends, family, today we celebrate many long awaited birth celebrations. These days are also called birthdays by many races. Join us now in raising a glass, our voices, and well wishes in celebration of another blessed year and the greatest of blessings for the years to come.” We raise our glasses of hald’myél, a warmed honey wine. Many have added fruit or flowers to theirs. “Wí Anatí!”

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