So, That Happened

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Mik’Oriella 19th


I can’t believe this. All we’ve been through, and now, we’re in another world? This should be impossible. Cara deserves all the happiness given to her… and then some. She’s the one that kept trouble (in the form of home wreckers) from destroying my marriage. I loved my Greg.

I thought his family was loving and supportive. I had no clue he was keeping them in check. I thought they were trying to help me after his death. All they were doing was helping themselves to our valuables and his life insurance. They were supposed to be helping watch the kids, with my tuition, and with bills. I had the money, and then some. It suddenly disappeared a few months ago. Thankfully, my classes were paid for.

Unfortunately, I “somehow” lost the house. Greg supposedly put his parents on it when the pandemic hit. I never signed papers agreeing to that. I never expected them to mortgage it and take out loans using it as collateral. There were payments I didn’t know about and were never paid. I didn’t understand and had to move in with them. I know now how they could afford such an extravagant house.

When the kids started asking me what pegging was, I nearly lost it! Daniel started coming home from 1st grade asking about what racist jokes and comments meant. His “friends” told him he had to “put those XYZ people in their places” and he had to beat them up. He’s a big boy for his age and loves Ninja competitions. They tried using that for their sick purposes.

Last week, I came home early after picking him up from school. He defended one of the kids being beaten up. Him and Ben, the kid being beaten up, were punished. Greg’s parents were putting a movie in for Dhalia and Darlene… it was 50 Shades. I broke.

I packed all our things and went to a hotel. The next day, I contacted Greg’s lawyer and asked him to look into things. After I told him everything, he suggested I come home for mine and the kids’ safety. He’ll update me with what he finds. Greg never came to him about putting his parents in charge of or on anything. I’m glad he had the foresight to pay his lawyer to keep an eye on me.

Latoya and Javier, Ben’s parents, let us stay with them for a few days while I got things sorted. Greg’s lawyer is taking them on pro bono to file a lawsuit against the school. He’s going to use the hospital records and everything he can to fight on Ben’s behalf. He was expelled over the incident that landed him in surgery. The school didn’t even look at his injuries! 8 years old. I’m glad someone is fighting for him and, hopefully, other kids in that horrible school.

It's beautiful here. I’d love to stay if our entire family was here, but I need my babies. Ana seems to think they may let me through next week. In the meantime, I have to pretend I can’t speak their language around a select few. I’m totally positive that I’m slaụghtering it. They don’t seem to mind and gently guide me when I mess up.

While my baby sis has been out, good God, she looks like Hẹll warmed over, they’ve been filling me in on what happened and what’s wrong with her. If I can get her blood and some scans back home, can we figure out how to help her? Probably not, but our friends in biotech might like diving in to try helping. She has a rare blood type, and they love when she donates to their projects.

“Good God.” I lean forward and grab my head. A migraine is kicking in. Shịt. I have no meds on me. They get bad fast. It’s a genetic issue with the women in our family.

They just explained that this damage is like a living creature, and the only way to kill it is to get everyone to help kill it. People want her dead, she’s freaking royalty now, and all this other crap… how is she supposed to handle all this when stress triggers seizures?

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