Lady Marlow's Secret

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Dagdh’a’vaní 9th


It’s dark when I come to. Everything hurts like hades. I feel a little body next to me and feel a tiny hand on my belly. A little light shines from a blue ball on the end table. I can see Tira curled up next to me. Dried tears streak her face. I use the hankie and cup of water beside the light to clean her face.

“Mama.” She sighs.

“I’m okay. We’re okay, baby.” I brush the hair from her face and kiss her forehead.

“Ti’kúe, how are you feeling?” Tavi calls from the doorway.

“Tired and sore, but better. What happened?”

“The VárSvík were sent to Isilmëmírë. Dez bought the property. The heka from the garden has already begun to spread. It wants to expand. The vaní and nanú are sleeping in Tira’s room. They leave the day after for the edlíduin capital. She has taken custody of him. If the nanú’s family turns them away, they can choose where to live in any of our kingdoms.” He snuggles Tira between us.
“Amanda is running tests. They should be complete by 10:00 at the latest. Lady Marlow and the others returned a few minutes ago. The Taníyn Antueo were delighted to take custody. Word of Tira is spreading. They’re preparing her rooms.
“The medicine is working. Kaenaék had it diluted to edlíduin strength. He had to increase you to álfrám strength. He’s going to slowly increase it. Many have sent representatives. Others will meet us at the next Ak’hajj stop, Okihara. Not everyone has the portal heka. Many have long travels ahead of them.” His sigh is frustrated.

“Rest, my love. You’ve been working hard.” He nods and falls asleep quickly. We aren’t alone long.

“Hey, sissy. I need to change your IV, and we brought you a snack.” Amanda and a young Ash’A Jheili girl come in. “Kaenaék gave you a slight sedative. You haven’t been sleeping as much as you need.”

“Yes, I…”

“Hanky-panky with your man is not sleep.” She deadpans. I try not to snicker. “Quit that grinning.” She looks so frustrated and done with me, but has humor in her eyes. That look makes me laugh. “Shh!” She giggles while trying her hardest to be serious.

“Mmm? Mama?” Tira rubs her eyes. “You’re okay?”

“I am baby girl. Why were you crying?” I stroke her hair.

“I’m scared.”

“What of?” She curls in closer.

“I’m not who I thought, Ben has to leave, you could die…” She starts crying.

“I’m not going to die. Where did you hear that?”

“I heard the adults talking about you having eplepzi and nanú die all the time from it. They said being pregnant, having portal damage, and stress make it worse.” She’s bawling now. Tavi unconsciously rubs her back.

“Baby girl, you listen closely. We have the best doctors here. We have friends who are calling on their friends, and more are coming every day to help. Focus on the good. I will be fine soon.”

“Truthfully?” She turns those big pink, teary eyes up at me.

“Truly.” I wipe her eyes. “Now, Sólaeira and Ben are in your room. I want you to get something to eat and go snuggle them as much as possible. And don’t worry about them.” I can tell she already is.

“She’s right. If the family doesn’t accept them, which I highly doubt anyone would turn any of you away, all our friends and family said they are welcome in their homes and kingdoms.”

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