Chapter 1

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Rhaenyra gives birth. Laenor goes to his sister's wedding and has some news that are not welcome by everyone.

This is my new story, I was going to write an Daemon/OC, but this just took a life of its own and now is going to be Aemond/OC. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Rhaenyra screamed as her insides felt like they were being torn apart. She had been in agonizing pain for the past ten hours and no one seemed capable of doing anything. The healer kept telling her everything was well and the midwife kept saying how she was doing great. It did not feel like she was doing great, it felt like she was dying. She could not believe her mother had gone through all of this several times. She did not understand how women could enjoy having children. She cursed her father, Laenor, and her stepmother Alicent, but most of all she cursed Daemon. She hated that her uncle and the father of her child was not here, that he had left her alone. The man who told her he loved her more than everyone else had left her all alone. She was aware that her father had exiled him, but he had left without even saying goodbye or attempting to speak to her.

Rhaenyra had sent him several letters, begging for him to come back or to take her with him. Instead, a few moons after announcing her pregnancy she had received a letter from Daemon, letting her know that he had left Westeros and headed to Essos. Rhaenyra had gone into her chambers and cried for two days straight. She had refused to speak to anyone, screaming at her father when he attempted to come into her chambers. She made sure to let him know that everything was his doing. She told him that she hated him, that he had ruined her life. Her father had been shocked, not understanding why she was so upset. She could not believe that after all these years her father still did not understand why wanting to wed her to Laenor was a horrible idea. Laenor did not want her as a woman, he did not want any women. Laenor preferred men and had no interest in even attempting to be with her. Rhaenyra had told Laenor she was with child, not wanting to lie to him. They were supposed to be courting.

Rhaenyra had also written a letter to Daemon, letting him know about her pregnancy, wanting him to know he was going to be a father. She never got a response, she did not even know that he had received the letter. All Rhaenyra could feel now was hate for everyone who had been a part of her present misery. She had wanted to die, wanted to spill blood, instead her blood was the one being spilled.

"Princess, I need you to push a bit harder." Rhaenyra glared at the midwife, trying not to snap at the woman again. "The babe is almost here."

Rhaenyra squeezed one of the maids' hands, grinding her teeth as she bore down. Her body felt like it wanted to give out, her breathing fast. Two hours went by and it did not feel like she was any closer to the end. Then the midwife yelled that she could see the babe's head. It took less than twenty minutes and then her child was born. She was a mother.

"Congratulations princess." The midwife handed her the babe. "You have a beautiful daughter."

The moment her babe was placed in her arms all the pain she had felt went away. She felt her entire body warm as tears filled her eyes. Her daughter was perfect, with silver blonde hair. She could not tell what color her eyes were because they were closed, but she was completely in love. All the pain she had felt these past few moons disappeared. She was not stupid enough to think it had gone away completely, she knew the pain and the feeling of abandonment was still there and would return in the future. But for now, nothing was more important than her child.

"Can I come in?" Rhaneyra looked up at the sound of Laenor's voice, nodding at her cousin and gesturing to him with her head. Laenor approached her and sat on the side of the bed. "The healer said you had a daughter."

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