Chapter 52

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Visenya finds out what happened to Aegon. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

"I would have thought you would at least be smarter." Visenya's voice was not pleasant and she did not bother to smile. The games she would usually play with people did not appeal to her today. The monster she usually kept tightly leashed had broken free and all it wanted was blood. "I mean if you had been knocked unconscious, maybe stabbed a little, or even thrown down a flight of stairs it would have been easier to believe you. Instead, you are sitting here all well, without a scratch on you. How is it possible that someone can come into my brother's nursery, grab him, and walk out without anyone seeing anything? I want to know what you were doing while all of these was taking place."

"Princess, I swear on all the gods that I do not know anything." The nursemaid cried, but Visenya was not moved or even convinced. "I just stepped out for a moment."

"No, you did not." The woman should at least learn to lie better. "I checked with all the guards posted at every entrance and none of them remember seeing you walking out of the nursery, or waking down the halls. Now, you are going to tell me what I want to know or I will start cutting off body parts."

The woman cried harder and shook her head once more. Visenya did not bother saying anything else, she moved toward the woman and had one of the guards pin her hand against the table as she cut off her pinky finger. The woman screamed as blood pooled on the table and Visenya tilted her head to the side.

"I can do this all night." She grabbed the woman's face, her fingers digging into her skin as he made the woman look into her eyes. "And believe me when I tell you that you will tell me what I want to know. The more you wait the more pain you will be in."

The woman sobbed but did not say anything. Visenya removed another finger, she made it slower this time, wanting the traitor to feel as much pain as possible and relish in her screams.

"Please, stop!" The woman sobbed and Visenya took a step back, giving the nursemaid time to catch her breath. "I will tell you, please!"

"Then speak." Visenya's voice promised death. "And do it quickly before I lose my patience."

"I was supposed to take the little prince to the tower of the hand." The woman shook her head desperately. "I was left a map and told about some of the secret tunnels. That is how I was able to take the prince out of the nursery without being seen."

As soon as the woman said the tower of the hand, Visenya did not need to ask any more questions. She knew what had happened and who had taken her brother. She signaled the guard, who immediately let go of the woman and took a step back. Visenya moved and slit the woman's throat before she even saw it coming.

"I want forty guards with me." Visenya smiled at the unsullied. "We are going to the tower of the hand."

The guard nodded and moved to follow her orders as Visenya walked out of the cell. Since her husband was the hand of the queen they were supposed to be the ones occupying the tower of the hand. Visenya had not wanted to be so far away from her mother, especially after she had gotten with child. Aemond had been happy to stay in the main area of the Red Keep. So her mother had allowed Rhaenys and her family to live in the Tower of the Hand, that way they would have more space and privacy. She knew that her mother also wanted to put more distance between Corlys, Laena, Visenya, and Daemon.

They moved quickly through the palace, Visenya leading the way. Once they were at the entrance at the tower of the hand she turned to the unsullied.

"You will take every man, woman, and child out of their beds and bring them to the main hall. If they refuse then you may tie them up to get their cooperation." She turned to leave, before stopping and turning to look at the guards once more. "Except for my grandmother, let her know what is happening, but do not mistreat her in any way."

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