Chapter 5

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This is a short chapter. A continuation of where we left off last chapter. We see why Visenya screamed and Rhaenyra's anger reaches new levels. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

This part of the beach was desolate, no one could be seen for leagues. Since the dragons spent a lot of time here people had learned not to steer too close. Visenya liked it this way, she could spend time with Karnax without having to worry about other people. The night she and Karnax met her mother had explained why he had been given that name. While Visenya understood that her dragon was wild and never had a rider, she could not wait to fly. She loved flying with her mother and her ave, it was one of the best feelings in the world. When she was flying through the clouds she felt free, like nothing could touch her, it was also when her mother was the happiest.

Visenya's two guards were standing out of sight, they did not want to be in the way of her dragon. While most people were afraid of Karnax, Visenya loved him. She and her dragon understood each other. They both carried the pain of being rejected by others.

She was sitting on the sand, waiting for Karnax to return. Her dragon had taken off over an hour ago, probably to find something to eat. Visenya had decided to wait, her mother was meeting with one of the lords. She had wished many times there were children her own age she could play with, but most children here feared her and her mother.

Visenya heard a shout and turned, frowning at the noise. One of her guards was running towards her, while the other one was fighting against four men. She stood up, her eyes widened when the guard who had been attempting to reach her fell forward, an arrow sticking out of his back. Then several men swarmed the small beach, attempting to reach her. One of the men threw something and Visenya threw herself down with a loud scream. Whatever the man had thrown flew past her head without touching her. She was confused as to why there were so many men there and why they were attacking the palace guards. But one thing she was sure of was that she could not stay here, they would kill her or take her away if they caught her. She felt inside of her, looking for the connection she and Karnax shared, her eyes snapped open when she found it and she tugged, hard, sending panic and terror over the connection.

The man was almost on top of her when Visenya jumped up and took off running. She was not sure where she was going, but she needed to get away. Karnax was on his way, she could feel him, flying as fast as he could. He would protect her and her muña, but for now, she had to get away. She ran as fast as her small legs would allow her, but she still was no match for the man. He was on her in just a few seconds, grabbing her around the waist and picking her up. Visenya screamed, kicking and scratching at the man as hard as she was able. Then something hit the side of her head and stars exploded in front of her eyes. She was not sure how, but then she was lying on the sand, her vision was blurry, but she could see the man had something in his hand.

She could not move, her hands and legs would not obey her. Her head hurt and she was unable to think clearly, for a moment she swore she could hear her muña, but then a loud, furious roar split the air. A large shadow fell over her and the man took a step back. Visenya could not keep her eyes open, even as she tried everything went dark. 


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