Chapter 12

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You guys are all amazing. 🤩

Visenya tells people some uncomfortable truths. We finally get Aemond's POV. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

They were able to make it to the dragon pit without having any major issues. As they made it to one of the roads leading to the dragon pit the unsullied and Dothraki opened a path for her. Visenya had not missed the way the king, and the others looked shocked as every single soldier bowed as she walked by, the people of Kings Landing following suit. The people screaming her name, they were all aware of who had saved them. Once they arrived at the Dragon pit, one of the unsullied commanders pulled her aside, letting her know that most of the dragon keepers had been killed. Only three had survived and they were attempting to calm the dragons. As soon as they had arrived Daemon and Rhaenys went inside to attempt and calm their dragons, they only stayed inside for a few minutes.

"Gather the bodies of the people that were killed, we want to clean the streets as soon as possible." The Dothraki soldier nodded his head, Visenya did not miss the way the king and the others were looking at her. They did not understand the Dothraki language, and she had no time or the patience to explain things to them. "The bodies of any of the lords that were killed will be returned to their families. All the others will be burnt. We do not need sickness spreading throughout the city."

The Dothraki soldier bowed before leaving to do as she had asked. Ten unsullied stood at attention nearby and Visenya noticed the man dressed in green looking at the soldiers with distrust.

"Is something wrong?" The man looked at her and Visenya crossed her arms over her chest.

"What are they doing?" The man asked glaring at the soldiers.

"They are protecting all of you, which at this time I am not sure why." Visenya smiled at the man, she was not sure why but she did not like him. "I apologize, I never asked your name."

"I am Otto Hightower, I am the hand of the king." The tone of his voice let her know she was supposed impressed. "I am responsible for the kingdom."

"Oh, so you are the reason the kingdom is falling apart?" The man's mouth opened as he just stared at her, Visenya took a few steps closer to him. "Well, I have to say you are a horrible hand of the king and I cannot believe you have kept your job for so long."

"How dare you?" The man's face was red as he took a step towards her. Out of the corner of her eye, Visenya saw two of the unsullied move, their swords half out. Visenya shook her head at them, making them stand back immediately. Otto did not seem to appreciate the danger he was in. "You cannot speak to me that way."

"I will speak to you however I wish and you will step back before I start cutting off body parts." Her face hardened as one of her hands went to the hilt of one of her swords. "In case you have not realized it, I could kill you and no one here would be able to stop me."

"I order you to stop." The queen moved closer, glaring at her. "You are not allowed to do this."

Visenya let out a laugh and once she started laughing she could not stop. All eight people looked at her like she had lost her mind, but Visenya could not help but laugh. She could not remember meeting someone who was more out of touch with their reality. She finally was able to get a hold of herself and took a deep breath, standing up straight.

"I do not care what you order." Visenya flipped her hair over her shoulder. "I do not follow your orders."

"I am the queen." The woman glared at her, her mouth set in a hard line.

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