Chapter 38

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Visenya speaks to Laena and to her father, plans are put in place. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

2 days later.

Waiting for someone was tiring, especially when she had no patience and did not enjoy being idle. She did not want to do this in front of others, after saying goodbye to her ave she had waited two days. It would not do to move too quickly and ruin a perfectly good plan. Letting people feel secure and like they had the upper hand was a bit annoying, especially because she had to act daft and pretend like she did not know anything.

The doors opened and Visenya smiled when Laena walked in, the other woman did not notice her. Laena closed the doors before walking to the mirror and started undoing her hair. Visenya did not say anything, just sat comfortably and waited to see how long it would take the other woman to notice her. It took her about five minutes before Laena saw her, jumping and putting a hand on her chest.

"What in the Gods?" Laena glared at her when Visenya did not say anything, just sat there with her hands crossed in front of her. "What are you doing here? You cannot just enter my chambers without asking."

"You seem to keep forgetting that I am the future queen." Visenya's smile was amused. "I can go wherever I please, whenever I please. You are living in my castle, the day you desire more privacy then you should leave and go back to Driftmark."

"I will not be going anywhere."

"Good, because I would like to have you within arms reach." Leana gave her a confused look and Visenya gestured to the chair across from her. "Sit, we need to speak."

"I will not be sitting." Laena's look was hateful. "I want you to leave."

"You seem to believe it was a request. Now, you can either sit or I will tie you to the chair." Visenya's pleasant expression never left her face, but Laena knew Visenya was not playing. After a few seconds, the older woman finally sat down, her body tense as she stared at the young woman. "Well, that is much better. There are many things we need to speak about, things I have been hearing about which has caused me to be very distraught."

"I cannot imagine what you mean." But Laena was nervous.

"Of course you would not." Visenya poured tea into two cups before sliding one of them closer to Laena. "I mean, my mother is your cousin and she has never done anything to you. I cannot think of a reason as to why you would want to cause her pain."

"I do not know what you speak of."

"You do not?" Visenya took a sip of her tea and sat the cup on the table, her demeanor pleasant. "That is strange because I was told you knew what Viserys threatened Daemon with in order for him to stay away from my mother, just like you knew that he had already disinherited my mother at the time he made those threats. I was also told that you kept what you knew a secret, not telling Daemon what had happened so he would wed you."

"I did not have a duty to tell him anything." Laena just glared at her. "He was a grown man and he made his choice, it is not my fault that it was not you and your mother."

"I do not know if you were born stupid or if you became that way with time." Visenya did not raise her voice or sound angry, which just served to annoy Laena even more. "Did you truly believe you would be able to keep this a secret forever?"

"I did not do anything." Laena narrowed her eyes.

"That is your problem, you refuse to take responsibility for your actions and all the pain your actions caused." Visenya let out a laugh. "Let us forget about me and my mother for a moment. Let us speak about your brother, the man who loved you and supported you while you grew up together. Your father abandoned your brother and took everything away from him, while you just stood there and did nothing, said nothing. You never wrote to him or attempted how ask him how he was. You were actually happy that he was gone, I believe you told him that since he was gone you would be the one to inherit the Velaryon fortune and title."

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