Chapter 11

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You guys are so amazing 🤩. I love you all and I am so grateful you like my story. Leaving you with a cliffhanger like that was a little mean, so here is a new chapter. 😃

This is right after Rhaenyra made her appearance. She lets the triarchy magistrates know how upset she at what they did. Visenya finally meets the rest of her family and she is not very impressed. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Rhaenyra smiled, enjoying the magistrates and her family's shock. They all looked like they were seeing a spirit, afraid she would disappear if they blinked. Out of the twenty soldiers that had entered the room, only three had stayed. The others had left to search for more of the lords that were still hiding in the castle. Rhaenyra was not concerned about them, she knew her unsullied and Dothraki had taken care of them. One of her guards stood two steps below the throne and a bit to the side, so everyone could see her clearly. The unsullied had a hand on his sword, he was one of the few who spoke the common tongue.

"You are in the presence of her imperial majesty Rhaenyra Targaryen, Empress of New Valyria." Rhaenyra's smile widened at the shock in her father's eyes. She knew Otto would find a way to make him believe all the rumors about her being empress were a lie. Her father was nothing if not predictable.

"Now, I was under the impression we had a deal. I did not attack and burn you all to a crisp and you let me and my daughter live our lives in peace." Rhaenyra pulled out the letter she had received from the faceless men, opened it, and turned it towards the three magistrates. "And then I receive news that there is a price on my daughter's head. I am sure you can understand why this upsets me. After all, everyone is aware of what happened to the last men who threatened my daughter's life."

"We had no choice, you left us no choice!" Lohar glared at her, his eyes filled with hate. "You conquered most of the Free Cities, they are not even called the Free Cities any longer. We knew it was just a matter of time before you grew hungry for more power and came after us."

"That would have been the truth, except for a small fact that you seem to be forgetting." Rhaenyra crossed her legs, leaned forward, and placed her elbow on her knee, resting her chin on her hand. "Every city I took was because they attacked me first. Meereen is the only exception, and that is because the high lords gave the city to me. They did not want to rule any longer, especially because I was the one protecting them from the Dothraki and they could see the advantage in that. Now, you three are a different story. I never did anything to you, I did not even look your way. You did not form part of my thoughts in any way until you made a big mistake. You see, threats against my daughter are not something I allow or something I am inclined to forgive. So, what do you believe your punishment should be?"

"Kill her!" Drahar screamed at his three soldiers.

All three men moved towards her, but she did not move an inch. Barely blinked when there was yelling and the three men clutched their throats, blood pouring from between their fingers as they attempted to remove the small knives stuck in their throats, before falling to the ground. Their open eyes stared unseeing at the ceiling. Everyone in the room except for Rhaenyra and her guard looked shocked as they looked around the room.

"Now, now, my lords. That is no way to treat an empress." Visenya appeared from behind one of the pillars. Her clothes were specked with bits of blood, not that it could be seen clearly over her black dragon-riding outfit. She smirked at the magistrates and Rhaenyra heard Daemon suck in a breath. Visenya had Daemon's smirk and she knew exactly when to use it. Her daughter's voice was sweet as she stared at the three men, who grew paler by the second. "And after my mother has been so gracious. You should all be ashamed."

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