Chapter 63

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Visenya and Daemon arrive at Casterly Rock. Kings Landing is attacked. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Karnax glided over the clouds, his wings spread open for a moment before he batted them, gaining speed. Caraxes and her father were beside her, they were also flying as quickly as possible. Karnax dove down before banking to the right and Casterly Rock came into view, Visenya's heart jumped in her chest when she saw the damage done to one of the towers. It was not possible for any ship catapults to reach that high. The extent of the damage could not have been done by a person, she knew a dragon had done it. She urged Karnax to go faster and her dragon obeyed, his wings spreading and his shadow covering the entire castle. Visenya could hear the screams and smell the burnt flesh, her eyes widened when she looked down and saw Vermithor in the Lannister's courtyard, bathing every soldier within reach in dragon fire. Karnax landed a few feet behind the large bronze dragon and Visenya jumped off his back immediately.

She moved around Vermithor, killing anyone who crossed her path. She did not have time for questions, or to figure out who was friendly and who was not. As far as she was concerned everyone here was guilty. People were screaming as they burned and attempted to get away from the dragon, who was not having any of it. She was growing more desperate when she saw her brother and daughter, standing near Vermithor, the large dragon protecting the children.

"Aysse!" Visenya called out, needed her daughter near her. "Aegon!"

Both children turned to look at her and their eyes widened. Aysse was the first one to run towards her, Aegon following close behind. Both children slammed into her and Aysse wrapped her arms around her waist. Visenya kissed the top of her daughter's head, before kissing her brother.

"Are you two hurt?" Aysse was covered in blood, even her face and hair, but Visenya could not tell if the blood belonged to her or someone else. "Aysse, where is the blood coming from? Do you need a healer?"

"No, it is not mine." Her daughter's eyes were filled with tears. "But Jason Lannister hurt Aegon, he stabbed him in the arm."

Before Visenya had a chance to check on her brother, her father had taken the boy out of her arms and kissed his head before checking his arm.

"It is not too bad," Daemon said with relief. "I will have the maester in the castle examine you. Are you hurt anywhere else?"

Aegon shook his head and Aysse frowned. "His head was bleeding and when Jason Lannister stabbed him he fell and hit his head again."

"I am fine," Aegon said, but Visenya did not like how pale he looked.

People were still running around, while the dragons made sure they could not get away. Visenya looked towards Karnax who was slamming one of his large talons over some poor soul over and over again. Visenya could feel his amusement and happiness at the chaos through their connection.

"Karnax!" The dragon stopped crushing the person under his talon at the tone in her voice and turned his head towards her. "Stop that, either eat it or leave it alone."

The feeling she got through their connection was that her dragon was annoyed. He was not happy that she had stopped him and let her know that she never allowed him to have any fun. Visenya rolled her eyes at the overgrown beast and turned to look back around the courtyard and found a man cowering against one of the walls. She moved toward the man, grabbed him by the collar, and lifted him.

"Where is Jason Lannister?" She asked and the man whimpered.

"I do not know, princess." The man grew paler when her father approached them with both children. "Last time anyone saw him he was heading to the tower where the little princess and the prince were being kept."

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