Chapter 23

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Visenya makes a decision about Otto and carries it out. Daemon decides he needs to talk to Rhaenyra and gets a surprise he doesn't like. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

She was not enjoying this, being hidden inside an old and cramped wardrobe was annoying her. She had been able to get into the cramped space before Aemond was able to get in there. She had known Otto was not present either, he was out attempting to find out what had happened with Mysaria. She would make sure to let him know what had happened to his best spy before she killed him. For now, she needed to know what was Aemond's plan for Otto. She was hoping she had not misjudged him.
The doors opened and Visenya tensed, she could not see anything but could hear what was happening. By the footsteps she could tell Otto was alone, there was no one else with him. He sounded annoyed, his pacing was furious. He was mumbling something, but she was not able to hear what he was saying. She did not have to wait a long while before the doors slammed open and furious steps walked in.
"Well, I can say this is a surprise." Aemond's voice was annoyed. "Last I heard you had been exiled back to Oldtown and were banned from Kings Landing. Were you not told you would be executed if you returned?"
"I will not be sent away like a dog." Otto's voice was irritated. "I was the hand of the king for over twenty-five years, I did everything for this kingdom just for that whore to return and usurp the throne."
"Let us not lie to ourselves, we are alone here." Aemond's voice changed, sounding amused now. "The throne was taken by the triarchy, you know perfectly well that the moment they took the royal family Westeros belonged to them. They were going to kill us all since they took the throne by conquest. Rhaenyra defeated the triarchy, so the throne is hers by right." Visenya's smile overtook her face, the weight in her chest lifting at Aemond's words. She was happy to know he did not resent her mother for what had happened. "Also, in all the years you were hand you did nothing good for this kingdom. The coffers were empty, the army depleted, and people died of starvation, and plague after plague ravaged the land. You did nothing."
"You do not know what you speak of." She could tell Otto was getting upset. "You are a prince because of me. I made you who you are."
"You did not do anything. I am a prince because I am a Targaryen, because of who my father is." She heard Aemond's footsteps but could not tell where he was going. Then his voice sounded closer. "You never did anything for me, you did not even realize I was there until Aegon was dead and you did not have someone to manipulate any longer. Let us clear things up, you will never be able to tell me what to do or gain any power through me. I would prefer to burn the throne to the ground before giving you any kind of power."
"You are an ungrateful child!" Otto screamed as Aemond laughed.
"I might be at that, but I am also the hand of the queen and unlike you, I worry about the future of the realm." Visenya's hand went to the wardrobe's doors and opened them just a bit as Aemond's voice echoed around the room. "You will be arrested and executed for not following the queen's orders."
"Well, I am happy to hear that." Visenya kicked open the doors and jumped out of the wardrobe, wincing when the muscles on her legs protested the movement after being still for so long. Aemond's eyes were surprised, while Otto's were not only surprised but fearful. "I was worried I would have to help you escape for betraying my mother."
"Visenya, what are doing here?" Aemond looked between her and his grandsire. "Did you follow me?"
"Well, not really." Her smile was amused even when amusement was the last thing she felt. "I got here before you did."
"How?" Aemond frowned.
"I already knew Otto was in the city." Visenya walked closer to both men. "And I knew exactly where he was. What I want to know is how you knew?"
She did not miss the way Aemond flinched. She wanted him to tell her the truth, to show her that she could trust him. Visenya wanted to trust Aemond, she needed to trust him, to know that she had not been wrong in giving him her heart. It did not matter how much she loved him, she would not betray her mother. The woman had always been by her side, loving and caring for her and Visenya would not return that love and devotion with betrayal.
"I was told he was here, that he had never left the city." Aemond moved closer to her, he cupped her face, and she could see the fear in his eyes. "I swear to you Visenya, I did not know until yesterday. I just wanted to know what he was planning, I would never betray you, I swear."
"This is the reason why you have turned your back on your family?" Otto spat at Aemond, his voice filled with hate. Aemond moved away from Visenya, turning to glare at his grandsire, not that the other man seemed to be intimidated. "You have destroyed everything I have worked for, for a whore."
Aemond moved fast, neither Otto nor Visenya had time to react before Aemond's fist was planted on Otto's face. The man fell down, blood running down his face as he stared at Aemond with wide eyes.
"If you ever call her that again, I will cut out your tongue!" Even Visenya was surprised by the anger in Aemond's voice. "Do not ever think about offending her."
"Do not worry, he will not be speaking for very long." Visenya moved until she was standing next to Aemond, looking down at Otto with an amused smile on her face. "We still need your allies to believe you are alive and in charge, but that does not mean Otto has to be alive for that."
"They will know something is wrong." Otto glared at her. "I have powerful friends."
"I am well aware of who your friends are and they will not know there is anything wrong." Visenya lowered herself a bit, her smile cruel. "You will not be alive to see it. We only need your face."
Otto's eyes widened and he opened his mouth, but before he could say anything or scream she kicked the side of his head, knocking him unconscious. She had no time to hear what he had to say and she did not want him to scream and attract unwanted attention. She then turned to Aemond, she was afraid of what she would see when she looked at him. She was afraid he would defend Otto, or at least stop her from having him killed.
"You know what needs to be done." Visenya's fists tightened on the fabric of her gown, waiting for his answer. "I cannot allow him to live."
"I know, I do not care if he dies." Aemond took her hands, kissing her knuckles before pulling her closer to him. "I want to know that you believe me, I was going to take Otto back to the Red Keep and turn him into the queen. I would not have kept it a secret, I just wanted to know what he was planning. I would never place you in danger, please believe me."
"I do believe you." She caressed the side of his face, placing a sweet kiss on his lips. "I just do not want to push you too far."
"I would never leave your side." This time it was him who kissed her, before pulling away. He looked at his grandsire before looking back at her. "Should we take him back to the Red Keep?"
"No, I have already planned what will be done with him." The old woman she had been speaking with walked into the chambers bowing to her and Aemond. Visenya took Aemond's hand and led him to the door. "Do not worry, she knows what needs to be done."
The faceless man would take Otto's face before taking him to where Karnax was. Visenya had promised her dragon he would be allowed to eat Otto and she was not in the mood for Karnax's complaints if she did not keep his promise. Her dragon behaved like a child sometimes, his temper tantrums were legendary.

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