Chapter 2

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In this story Rhaenyra got pregnant with Visenya when she was 15 and gave birth a few days after turning 16.

6 month time jump. Rhaenyra meets someone who asks her for help. Rhaenyra also meets the Dothraki. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Valyrian will be in italics and Dothraki will be in bold italics!

6 months later.

"There is someone here to see you." Rhaenyra kissed Visenya's cheek, making the babe laugh before looking at Laenor and frowning. "It is a woman, she looks a bit strange."

"A woman?" Rhaenyra set Visenya on her lap. "Did she say what she wanted to speak to me about?"

"No, just that she wanted to speak to you and that it is important." Laenor moved closer to her, smiling at Visenya and taking her from Rhaenyra's arms when the babe extended her arms toward him. "There is my beautiful princess. You can go to speak to the woman, she is waiting in the gardens. I will stay with Visenya."

Rhaenyra smiled at him, kissing Visenya's forehead before walking away. It had been two moons since she had left Westeros and she could not be happier. She could not believe how constrained she had been. She had been surprised when Laenor had asked to come with her, she did not think he would want to leave his family. Laenor also looked happier since they had arrived in Meereen, it could be because he was free to be with the man he loved without people judging him.

Rhaenyra had used some of the gold that her mother had left her to buy a large palace on the outskirts of the city. It was large enough to fit both Syrax and Seasmoke comfortably, plus them and their servants. Rhaenyra was happy now that she was away from her father, his wife, her uncle, and his new wife. She tried not to think about Daemon or the pain he had caused her. It was hard to forget him completely since she saw him every time she looked into her daughter's eyes. Visenya had inherited Daemon's violet eyes, she had also inherited his smile. Visenya was the light of her life, the most important person in her life, the one who could make her smile no matter how badly her day was going.

Rhaenyra walked out to the garden, stopping when she saw a woman standing under one of the Elm trees that had been planted in the garden. Looking at the woman Rhaenyra could tell that she was one of the noble women in Meereen. It just confused Rhaenyra even more as to why the woman would be here to see her. Rhaenyra had not had time to get involved with any of the nobility. She had been spending most of her time getting settled in and spending time with her daughter. She was also aware that she made them all nervous, they were terrified of Syrax and Seasmoke. The first time Rhaenyra had gone on a walk through the city, the nobles had acted like she was about the set Meereen on fire.

"How may I help you?" Rhaenyra was a bit taken aback when the woman turned to her. She had a black eye, and several bruises along her face, Rhaenyra could tell the woman had been crying. "Are you well? Do you need me to get you a healer?"

"I need your help." The woman dropped to her knees in front of Rhaenyra, bowing until her forehead touched the ground. "The Dothraki have taken my daughter, none of the other Lords will help me."

"When did the Dothraki take your daughter?"

"Early this morning." Tears ran down the woman's face as she cried. "We could not pay the price the Khal was asking for so they took my daughter as payment."

Rhaenyra had heard about the Dothraki, she knew what they were capable of. She was aware that the High Lords in Meereen paid the Khals so they would not attack the city. But she had never heard of them taking one of the High Lords' children. She was a bit alarmed that the other people in the city had refused to help the poor woman and that this woman had decided to come to her for help. She was not sure what the woman believed Rhaenyra could do for her.

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