Chapter 14

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We get Daemon's POV, he and Rhaenyra finally talk. We also get Aemond's POV, Visenya makes a request. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Daemon hid behind one of the pillars as he looked at the training grounds. Visenya was there with a few unsullied and Dothraki, she was training with one of the unsullied and he could not look away. His daughter was the most wonderful girl he had ever seen, beautiful, smart, courageous, and strong. She was so much like him it was scary and overwhelming at the same time. The first time he had seen her he had been speechless, the way she moved, the way she fought, she was a warrior and a trained killer. The way she taunted her enemies and played with them was very similar to himself. Then she had told everyone what she thought of them and while being very proud he had also been hurt. Daemon knew he had mishandled things and while he had not expected his daughter to welcome him with open arms, he had not realized how much it would hurt him hearing her call someone else father.
Daemon wished he could speak with her and tell her how sorry he was, how much a fool he had been. He should have never abandoned Rhaenyra and their daughter, he should have told Viserys to go to hell and left to be with his family. He should have never wed Laena, his life with her was an absolute hell. Even before Arrax had appeared, he had been miserable, his life with Laena was not what he had wanted. He had been freed of one unwanted wife just to be saddled with another one, and the second one he could not blame on anyone but himself.
"I believe the training grounds are large enough for all of you." Daemon tensed, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before turning to look at Rhaenyra. There was an amused look on her face. "I believe that as long as you do not bother her she does not care if you also train."
"I do not want to make her feel uncomfortable." Rhaenyra raised an eyebrow and Daemon cleared his throat. "She made it clear she did not want to see me."
"Well, she is very stubborn, just like you." Daemon wanted to hug Rhaenyra, hearing her say that their daughter was like him made him feel warm.
"Thank you." Rhaenyra gave him a questioning look. "For recognizing Visenya is my daughter."
"I was not the one who denied her, that was all you." Rhaenyra moved closer to the balcony, looking out at their daughter. A few minutes later she turned to him once more. "I do not deny she is yours by blood, that would be hard to do seeing as how she looks so much like both of us. But make no mistake, Laenor is her father, he is the one she loves."
Daemon felt his heart clench at that, his daughter calling another man father was not something he wanted to hear. But Daemon understood this was all on him, he was the one who had made so many mistakes, and he was the one who had abandoned his daughter. He had no right to say anything to her.
"What are you planning to do?" Daemon frowned, not understanding Rhaenyra's question. "Tomorrow is my coronation. Will you bend the knee or should I prepare to go to war with you?"
"I would never fight you Rhaenyra." Daemon shook his head, wishing he could find a way to make his niece understand that he was on her side, that he wanted no one but her. But there was no way she would trust him now, especially because he was still wed to Laena. "I know you will make an excellent queen, you have shown to be an amazing empress. I see the way all your soldiers look at you, the way they act around you and Visenya. They respect you and would follow you anywhere."
"I am grateful you will not make me fight you, while I feel a strong dislike for you it does not mean I wanted to go to war with you. I am very fond of Caraxes and would not want to hurt him." Rhaenyra moved closer to him, playing with the ends of his hair. Her look was not so friendly any longer. "If you do decide to stay in Kings Landing be sure to keep your wife under control. Laena believes she is protected because she is Rhaenys and Corlys's daughter, what she does not know is that I do not care who her parents are. If she keeps giving me problems I will cause her immeasurable pain. And if she annoys Visenya there is a chance she will lose a limb, so advise her to tread carefully."
Daemon nodded, swallowing as his niece smiled at him. She was so gorgeous and self-assured that all he wanted was to push her against a wall and take her, but he was not stupid enough to do anything about it. He knew that she would probably kill him if he tried anything.  

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