Chapter 21

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Rhaenyra and Daemon talk. Visenya decides to teach Daemon a lesson about the people he trusts. Someone from the TV show and the book makes an appearance. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

As always Valyrian will be in italics.

Rhaenyra ran a hand over the heart tree's trunk, thinking how this used to be her favorite place when she was growing up. She used to spend hours in this place, it had always felt like it could take all her problems away. This had been her refuge for so long that now it almost felt like she was hiding and in a way she was. Right now, she was hiding from her responsibilities, giving herself time to take a breath without twenty people attempting to tell her about all the problems in the kingdom. Being queen was difficult, it made her want to scream at people sometimes about their petty problems and have them solve them themselves. While her father had ignored most of the issues of the kingdom and let Otto Hightower rule in his stead, Rhaenyra was not going to do that. It was her job to make sure her people and kingdom prosper and that could not be obtained if she ignored her responsibilities. But for now, she could have a little time for herself. At least until later in the night, then she had a hulking warrior who enjoyed making her forget all her problems.

Rhaenyra was happy Kaffo had traveled to Kings Landing, she had missed him this past few moons. Kaffo was more than Rhaenyra's lover, he was her friend. She could confide in him and knew he would never repeat a word.

"It is strange to find you here." Rhaenyra just stared at her uncle, not saying anything. "I have not seen you here since the day of your coronation."

"I have been busy." She shrugged. "There are many things that require my attention."

"Yes, many things." Rhaenyra frowned at the tone in his voice, it was almost accusing. "I am sure there are even more things occupying your time now."

Rhaenyra just stood there, the wind making her silver hair dance, not saying anything. It almost felt like he was accusing her of something, he sounded upset. The longer she looked at him the more she realized that he was not just upset, he was hurt. He hid his pain well, but she had known her uncle for a long time, and he could not hide his feelings from her.

"Speak plainly, kepus." She crossed her arms over her chest. "I feel like you are accusing me of something and I would like to know what."

"All these years I believed you had spent your time building your kingdom and raising our daughter, but a few days ago I discovered that was not the truth." His laugh was mocking. "You also spent your time doing other things, did you not?"

"What?" She was even more confused now, shaking her head and looking at her uncle like he had finally lost his mind. What in all the hells was he talking about? It took her a few minutes to realize that he must know about Kaffo. Then she let out a laugh. "Is this what has you so upset? The fact that I have a lover?"

"And you will not even deny it?"

"Why should I deny it?" She saw the way he tensed at the amused look on her face. "I am not wed to anyone, I already have an heir and I am free to do as please in my private chambers. I can have as many lovers as I want. What I am surprised about is how much it seems to bother you."

"Of course, it bothers me." He scowled at her. "You are a queen, what would people think if they found out?"

"I honestly do not care. They can say whatever they want." Rhaenyra played with the large blue necklace around her neck, still holding the same amused expression. "I just find your words a bit hypocritical. I believe you once told me that fucking was a pleasure, for the man as it is for the woman. Even though marriage was a duty that did not mean we could not not fuck who we wanted. And now you are saying people will look a me differently because I have a lover?"

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