Chapter 66

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Visenya and Daemon return. Rhaenyra finds out some things from Daemon. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

"How was it?" Visenya sat next to her mother and let out a sigh. It had been three long and exhausting days. The first thing she did after returning from Storms End was go and see her children. She was happy that Aysse did not seem to be affected by what had happened and neither did Aegon. The other children were not too sure what had happened to their sister and uncle, they were just happy to have them back. Then she had gotten so much needed sleep, before going to see her mother. "Your father killed all the Hightowers and destroyed their home. He also killed most of the maesters and is now looking for proof of the traitors. He says he should be home in a few days."

"I killed Borros Baratheon and most of his soldiers." Visenya shrugged, the lord had begged for death in the end. "Borros of course received special treatment. I flayed him alive and watched as he screamed, before mounting his body by the gates so everyone in the Storm Lands knew what would happen if they ever decide to raise against us again."

"He has an infant son, does he not?" Her mother asked with a thoughtful look on her face. "A boy only a few days old?"

"Yes, Royce Baratheon." Visenya nodded. "I made his sister Cassandra regent until the boy comes of age. She will be sending regular reports to us and once the boy turns nine he will be fostered here. I want to make sure he is loyal to the crown. I also made sure Cassandra and her sisters knew what would happen to them should they ever get any ideas about betraying us."

"I am hoping this will be the last one for a while." Her mother appeared tired and worried. "I am so tired of all this death and blood, I wish for peace and to be left alone for a little while."

"I know." Visenya agreed with her mother, she wished to spend some time with her children and husband. "We now need to decide who will take over the Westerlands. The castle is half destroyed, but there is more than enough gold in Casterly Rock to rebuild it."

"I was thinking of giving it to Aegon, but we both know that my son will marry Aysse." Visenya nodded her head, knowing that her mother spoke to truth. Even while Aemond did not even want to think about the connection their daughter and Aegon shared, Visenya was not blind. "So since my son will be king consort, I cannot also give him the Westernlands."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I will give it to Aenys." Her mother took a sip of her tea. "He will be the new lord of the Westernlands and his children after him."

"I believe my husband will be very happy about the news." Aemond had been worried about the fact that their sons would not be able to inherit any lands from them.
Their daughters would wed, if they chose to, and be ladies of whatever house their husbands belonged to, but her sons were another story. Even if they wed, they would be responsible for their wives. At least Aenys would be able to offer a title and purpose to his children.

"Laenor wrote to me." Visenya looked at her mother, who was smiling. "He found out about what happened and will come visit. He wants to see you and the children."

"That is good." She was happy her ave would be able to spend some time with him. "I have missed him."

"He also sent news about Rhaenys."

"What news?" As far as Visenya was aware her grandmother was happy and having a grand time with her son.

"She has wed one of the Pentos's high lords." Visenya's eyes widened before she let out a laugh.

"I did not even know she wanted to wed again."

"Apparently this lord was very persistent." Rhaenyra's expression was amused. "He lavished her with gifts and even built a dragon pit right outside his castle for when she visited him."

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