Chapter 39

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Rhaenyra attempts to find out what Daemon and Visenya are up to and gets distracted. 😳. Corlys is mad and attempts to talk to Visenya, she is not impressed. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

5 days later.

When she entered Daemon's chambers she was not sure what she was expecting, but it was not to find him sitting behind his desk writing. Unlike what her father had always said as the reason for taking away whatever position he had decided to give Daemon, her uncle took his duties very seriously. While taking over Rhaenys's position he had worked incredibly well. He took his position as commander of the city watch very seriously and worked tirelessly to complete the training of the new recruits. The first two hundred soldiers had already been added to the ranks of the city watch and from what she knew they were working out very well.

Daemon lifted his head when she walked in and stood up, nodding at her. She moved closer to the desk and waited until the doors closed before speaking.

"What are you and Visenya planning?" Daemon just lifted an eyebrow but did not answer her. "I know something has happened, you two have spoken more in the past few days than in all the moons since we arrived."

"And because we have finally spoken it means that we are planning something?" Daemon's face was amused as he looked at her. "You should be a bit more trusting."

"I am trusting, but I am not stupid." She watched as he laid down the quill and moved around the desk. "I know our daughter well enough to know you and her share the same nature, the same taste for chaos. Even if I was not aware of your similarities I would need no further proof than when I found you and Visenya on the beach playing target practice with the high Septon."

"Are you still upset about our little game?" He shook his head in amusement. "The man would have been killed anyway. Why does it matter if we played with him a little?"

"That is not the issue now." She knew he would not understand why she was not happy about what had happened with the high septon and she did not want to explain it now. "I want to know what you and Visenya are planning."

"What makes you think that we are planning anything?" He leaned back against the desk and crossed his arms over his chest. "We have many things to speak about. We are still training the newer recruits and we have also been working on some of the issues with the new projects you have approved."

"Really?" Rhaenyra's eyes narrowed. "So all this planning would not have something to do with Corlys and Laena?"

"Why would we be doing something with Corlys and Laena?"

"Daemon, do not do anything that will cause me to have problems with Rhaenys." He and Visenya should understand how important Rhaneys was to her. Especially Visenya, since Rhaenys was Laenor's mother and the only person from his family who had worried about him all these years. "It does not matter what Laena and Corlys did, as long as they are loyal to the crown I do not want them to be hurt."

"But they are not loyal." Now his look had changed, he did not look amused or playful any longer. "You have no idea what they have done."

"What they have done?" Rhaenyra frowned, she knew that Daemon and Laena had not been happy, but she did not believe those were grounds to kill the woman and Corlys. "What are you talking about?"

"They are part of the reason why you and Visenya did not have me with you all those years." She opened her mouth but Daemon shook his head. "I am not saying I am not at fault or attempting to remove responsibility from myself, but both Corlys and Laena helped."

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